I’m just starting out but the new headwall from SG looks promising. When layer properly I think I can get it into December in my area, sept Oct and Nov are getting milder every year and with two little kids December is pretty busy.
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I love the ferrosi shorts but if this SG is quiet, warm and windproof like it says it sounds like a winner. Problem is I’m in Canada and would have to roll the dice on size a little
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Just revive this thread. I’ve been looking for a quiet windproof softshell as well. Not a fan of camo patterns so finding something solid is on my list of wants. Has any tried the new head wall jacket from SG. Seems to be made for archery and warm enough to layer into colder weather. Looking to...
Hey everyone. New hunter primarily going after whitetail and bear as they are the most prevalent big game in my area. I am currently collecting all my gear and clothing and was wondering what you guys do for scent control. I like the idea of buying clothing that works for hunting but also I can...
Discovered them after listening to the kifaru podcast with Ralph. I immediately went on their site and was so disappointed to see their prices, especially when I want to actually use it in the woods hunting after conversion it’s close to 1000$ Canadian. To me I found the lending library and saw...
I would love to see the review. Yea I’m aware I won’t be any multiple day back country hunts. My job doesn’t allow me to take the time off during hunting season. But I want to make sure I’m ready for whatever when the opportunity arrives.
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I’m about a year into it and I figured buy once cry once. I was able to get my hands on the new spot high boonie triple stack and I love it. Large clear field of view, super easy and smooth adjustments, built like a brick shit house and I love the fact I can swamp adjustment dials for different...
I am looking to get my first kifaru and I am hoping to use one bag for multiple purposes. I want to get a 357 mag for saddle hunting, ruck training and 1-4day camping trips. Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be able to go on any hunting trips for a while that require me to pack out a tone of meat...