Search results

  1. K

    2022 ELK MEAT POLE

    The sage was really tall, I didn’t see the water until I down to the bottom. I just spotted them as they were moving through the bottom of the draw. It was a lucky hunt, the group he was in were the only elk I found scouting before the season. I am getting a euro done with the velvet. Sent...
  2. K

    2022 ELK MEAT POLE

    Congrats on your bull Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. K

    2022 ELK MEAT POLE

    Filled my early bull tag on a solo trip, extremely tough hunt with the lack of critters and the desert heat. I got lucky on my biggest bull yet. Can’t wait to get it back from the taxidermist.
  4. K

    Idaho Unit 49 elk December

    Does anyone have any experience with what the elk are usually doing around Carey, ID in December? Just looking for any general info, do they stick around or move out when the snow flies?
  5. K

    D-19 Opener Success

    Great first bow buck, congrats
  6. K

    Idaho Unit 43 ... Seeking Logistics not Game info

    Last year on the we had -10 and 10 inches of snow where we hunted. Also a pretty good chunk of the unit is on fire right now. I would be prepared for anything.
  7. K

    Flying in to the Frank (Unit 26)

    Definitely a dream hunt of mine, I'll be in there in the next 2 years for sure. Good luck on your hunt.
  8. K

    Who's scouting?

    Scouting every chance I get
  9. K

    Before I buy Razors...

    Definitely go Maven over the Razors. I bought the Razor 12x50 and was not impressed, there was no real noticeable difference with my Diamondbacks except for a little less mirage. The Maven B.2 11x45 are a step above and I wont buy anything else.
  10. K

    Idaho 45 Elk Aug 1-31

    I got it and replied.
  11. K

    Idaho Muzzy unit 45

    Thanks for the replies, I cant wait for the hunt. Hopefully I'll be able to track down a giant.
  12. K

    Idaho Muzzy unit 45

    That would be awesome to see, I replied to your PM.
  13. K

    Idaho Muzzy unit 45

    Anyone have any pictures of the bucks taken on this hunt? I drew it this year and have starting searching for the one but just want to see what others have taken in the past. thanks
  14. K

    Idaho 45 Bow Mule Deer

    How did your hunt turn out? I drew the muzzy tag this year.
  15. K

    Idaho 45 Elk Aug 1-31

    Shoot me a PM I am scouting the unit right now for my buck tag. For some reason I cant send a PM to you. I would love to see a big bull hit the dirt.
  16. K

    Unit 45-1 Idaho Archery Elk

    Where are you located? I had the tag in 2016 and had a blast. let me know if you have any questions. I am located in Mountain Home and already have some bulls located while scouting for my buck tag.
  17. K

    CVA Wolf Northwest

    I'm looking at getting a CVA Wolf Northwest, this will be my first muzzleloader. Has anyone had experience with it? Its extremely cheap and that kind of worries me. Is there a better northwest legal muzzleloader that I should be looking at? Any advice for a new muzzleloader hunter would be...
  18. K

    Think you’re good at aging mule deer??

    5 5.5 3 4 4
  19. K

    Idaho Unit 43

    Everyone and their brother sister and second, AND third cousins are in 43 this year. Its been a mad house. Just pick a spot and hope you get lucky.
  20. K

    What do you think?

    Thanks for the responses but he will get an arrow if I get a chance there's no doubt about it. I'm hoping to have more pictures of him in a couple weeks. Cant wait until September!