Search results

  1. BurdockLeatherwood

    New Mexico Elk Unit 34 Muzzleloader

    I’ll also be in New Mexico at the same time in the same place. I’m beyond excited!
  2. BurdockLeatherwood

    New Mexico Draw

    Really trying to not get my hopes up but I’m still crossing my fingers!
  3. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTS Axial precision / Allterra arms carbon hunter stock group buy

    Count me in for a 2nd group but if it happens.
  4. BurdockLeatherwood

    Blackthorn 209 availability

    I had it in my cart but with Hazmat, shipping and limit of 2 bottles it was going to end up costing around $60 a piece. Ouch...
  5. BurdockLeatherwood

    Blackthorn 209 availability

    I see it’s available on their website but the closest store is 3 hours and 15 minutes from me.
  6. BurdockLeatherwood

    Blackthorn 209 availability

    That’s very nice of you, I’m located in Southwest Wisconsin. Based off your username I’m guessing your in Utah?
  7. BurdockLeatherwood

    Blackthorn 209 availability

    Haven’t had any luck locating the powder yet but I’ll keep looking. Thanks for the help guys!
  8. BurdockLeatherwood

    Blackthorn 209 availability

    Thanks! I’ll give those places a look.
  9. BurdockLeatherwood

    Blackthorn 209 availability

    I threw my name in the hat for a muzzleloader elk tag this year and would like to use Blackhorn 209 instead of the T7 pellets I currently use. Is there a shortage on muzzleloader powder as well as smokeless? I’m having way more luck finding powder for my rifles than the Blackhorn, does anyone...
  10. BurdockLeatherwood

    28 Nosler vs 300WSM for Elk

    Ended up buying a slightly used 30-28 Nosler from a local gunsmith and killed a bull with it this fall. 230 grain Berger at 2960 FPS and it’s scary accurate. Also loaded some 165 grain Barnes TTSX for my 300 WSM, that thing is also a hammer and I killed a really nice whitetail with it this fall too.
  11. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTT WTT Berger 156 EOL for 143 ELD-X

    Id trade a box of 143's for 156's if you have another or anyone else wants to make the deal.
  12. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTS Browning X-Bolt Pro Tungsten 6.5 PRC

    If I didn’t already have 2 PRC’s I’d be all over this. Beautiful rifle!
  13. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTS Reloading Lot-RCBS/Redding

    He doesn’t reload so he’s looking at selling it.
  14. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTS Reloading Lot-RCBS/Redding

    Posting for a friend who’s father passed away. Checking interest for now to see if he wants to sell or not. Let me know what you think.
  15. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTS Garmin 64st GPS

    Used for 1 hunt and is in perfect condition. $150 TYD PayPal F&F
  16. BurdockLeatherwood

    Sold Dies: LRM , PRC, WSM, SAUM, X284

    I’ll take the 300 WSM Redding dies. PM me your payment info.
  17. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTS Browning X Bolt Stainless Stalker 300 WSM

    Thank you for the information. I have the exact same rifle and am experiencing the “melting” Duratouch myself. It’s really quite annoying as it squeaks on my jacket and absolutely everything sticks to it but it’s a really nice shooting rifle.
  18. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTS Browning X Bolt Stainless Stalker 300 WSM

    May I ask what the issue with the stock was?
  19. BurdockLeatherwood

    WTS Sig Kilo 2400 ABS NIB $950

    Still available?
  20. BurdockLeatherwood

    Meat Frozen Together

    Thanks that is the same situation I’m currently in. It’s been off for a couple of days and is still stuck together for now. I’ll keep a close eye on it so I can separate them as soon as possibly.