The guide would have a good opinion. I say that because it depends on the hunt. They might stick to terrain they can ride on, and never stray far from the horses.They might tie the horses and hike into some steep holes where you need all your gear on your back.... and possibly haul meat/rack out...
Skinny / uninsulated sleeping pad. As a wide shouldered dude, I spent half the night with an arm on the cold ground. Bad sleep and failing to stay warm all night wears you down. In general I've plus'ed up my sleep system. Too many unexpected freezing cold fronts. I'd rather take the weight...
After all the bad years, I tend to notice more twins and triplets the following year. There is no doe hunting, so hunting does not impact herd growth much. Gonna see a few gaps in buck quality in the years to come, but the genetics didn't disappear.
Hammer just came out with a tipped 125gr bullet. 26N and 142 ablr's are both finicky as hell, so don't get too worried. I ditched US869 in favor of temp stable powders (got sick of my loads going to hell when I needed them). 50BMG doesn't get quite as much speed, but it doesn't fall apart at the...
They are finicky with depth. Way tougher to tune than a regular accubond. I've seen the results with a 26 Nosler on an elk (142gr) and a deer (129gr), as well as a .280 on deer (150gr?). I have no complaints on the terminal performance end, from the shots Ive seen. You'll find bad stories on...
A super sharp thin-bladed knife is not going to put much pressure on your hand. I've run a lot of similar knives with paracord on the handle, and it is adequate until it gets really dull. I just wish he'd do an ultralight sheath like Rainier Knives, (that dude nailed it). I bought his Speedgoat...
I was exploring that Custom Pack Rigging site... and it looked a bit out of date! Guess I'll have to see if they still exist, lol. They have the exact tree I had in mind, though (the scisorring sawbuck). I could have swore OutfitterSupply sold one a while back, but that is definitely not the...
That's a neat design! (And im definitely using a hlaf breed on my new one). Do you like that style for looping standard panyards over, or is it a bit tough to do?
I'm in the process of finding a new pack saddle. Since it's a world of boutique shops, I figured I should ask around. (In addition to my own Google research). I'm looking for a sawbuck or hybrid, not into straight up deckers. Definitely looking into an adjustable tree, since my animals tend to...
I'm really curious about the low light performance of the ATC vs the Kowa. I ran a Kowa 554 on a mulie hunt last year and wanted to chuck it down the mountain by day three. I hunt bucks that go in early and come out late. It was damn near full daylight before the Kowa was worth a damn, and it...
Another vote for a Kowa 550 vs Swaro ATC/STC showdown!!! The low light performance between the two is what I really want to see more opinions on.
I bought the Kowa 554 last year. I hunt timber bucks that feed in early, and come out late. So, low light performance is very important to me. It...
That's actually pretty impressive. That being said, I still wouldn't be comfortable generalizing a 25-06 going by that. Thats faster than my 110's! Starting to talk a bit of a different animal with the new fast-twist / shooting 130gr+. I say that owning a few rifles / science experiments that...
Reminds me of gunwriters saying the "myth" of knockdown power. You don't think a 50BMG to the gut would drop one on the spot??! I'll bet i could miss the vitals with that one! Take that same concept, roll it back towards to acceptable meat loss, and maybe you can conceptualize the "myth" of...
Enough to make a marginal hit mean something. Enough to where a little off the X means a short track instead of a "see ya later". Enough pop to make 'em pause long enough for another.
I've laid down firing squad style next to a 7mag & a 300mag, and dropped multiple cows. Watched the visible...
My argument is I just saw the "load data" you pulled those numbers off of. You definitely haven't shot that, have you?! 🤣 107%fill N570 on a 90° day.... in a 25-06.... better bust out safety glasses!!!
If you're gonna throw other cartridge comparisons, add 200fps over book (with numbers for...
I will never kill more elk with a single cartridge, than I did with a 25-05 when I was young. Shooting all of those elk with a 25-06 is the exact reason I use much larger rifles as an adult. The energy sucks for elk. It's a marginal cartridge, and most people damn well know it. You can drop one...
Very helpful thread! I was just looking into this. I go a lighter route packing into the mountains (Hilleberg Nallo GT4 converted to hot tent). But my remote base camp needs to lighten up so that I can pack all my feed in one trip!
I wonder what Wilderness Ridge is using for flooring? It is...
I like where their head was at with the high-end stainless. I much prefer stainless for long backcountry trips. Although, I kinda wish they went with CPM-3V for better toughness. (I chipped a few testing a different fletching pattern... but what i hit would be a tough ask for any broadhead). I...
I just use these doubled over. Great space saver and ounce saver. I used to throw Dude Wipe singles in with my TP. Now I just stuff these in. Pop a few into a half mouthful of water, and Boom= wet wipe