DIY hunting of what and how? Unless you move here and live for 12 months, you are limited to DIY moose, caribou, black bear, and deer.
If you want to raft float, there are two books to read for a start. Larry Bartlet's and then Mike Strahans.
There are some general AK hunting books out...
I have used Glenn's a few times. Early in the season, before the moose start showing up in mid September, he can get a caribou in and out in 48 hours as long as you just want it cut/ground and wrapped. It will be frozen when you pick it up. I don't know if he would take on the additional task of...
The bone in rule in some units comes from a variety of issues over the years. As Larry has posted a few times it comes down to meat spoilage over time. A de-boned bag of meat is hard to keep dry and cool. A solid leg can be heavy, but easier to handle in the field. Especially if you are in a...
"Near Denali" means Alaska Range. If you're hunting in the small preserve area to the west of the park that can get hairy for weather. Rain and Wind and such can flatten things. Across the river to the east of the park can be more mild weather wise but still wet.
Umm, graduated high school from Bob Reeve High at Naval Air Station Adak 36 years ago. Went back to start my engineering career from 1990 to 1993. Have not been back since, but have a project coming up this next year. Spent a few days in Dutch. A couple minutes in Shemya waiting to talk to my...
Ask the guide about the animal population in his area. How was the winter/spring icing conditions? How have the past five to six winters and springs been? Mating age - meaning legal sized - rams spend their fall energy procreating and then have to struggle all winter on meager food sources. A...
Snowshoes spread your weight out over a larger surface area to reduce the amount of sinking you experience in a poorly consolidated but uniform media. That is not the issue with arctic tundra. Its not uniform, and it is of variable density.
Back when I did this kind of stuff, I used a synthetic weight lifting belt. It was $10 at a yard sale. Everything else was similar to the pulk above.
The weight lifting belt was also used for skijoring with the dog, but my total lack of skills on skis while being pulled to my death made me...
My comment was specific to Ruger revolvers with the transfer bar system, and it not applicable to any other brand of revolver.
The only in holster discharge of a Ruger that I am aware of was when a fast draw holster with an open trigger area was used. Went off when the guy fell through...
Not taught by Mike, but taught by the people that taught him. Mike can only instruct State employees. That's not me. Feds used to be taught by Steve Nelson, even after he retired from USGS and USFWS. I took one class from him. Awesome day on the range.
My Redhawk always has 6 rounds. The hammer transfer bar system on Ruger revolvers works very well. I trust it. I have tried to get it to not work and that takes some serious messing about, none of which is going to happen under any use I can come up with out in the field.
My rifle depends on...
Over the air Digital TV is surprisingly good where we live down in a ravine. Once the trees leaf out in the spring that may change. Local channels in HD at the cost of the antenna is just fine.
We did have to change our internet to unlimited data to accommodate the usage. But dropping cable TV...
5milesback has it right. Real tire chains for off highway traction are all most people would ever need for winter hunting. Then a rope-a-long and 100 feet of amsteel rope and a strap. and a shovel.
If the photo is not visible, let me know, and I'll try another way to get it posted.
When cleaning both of the cow elk my dad and I harvested in Idaho in October, we noticed that they both had "stuff" along their spine. Mine was a younger cow, about three years old, and the growths were dense...
From my viewpoint this kind of stuff happens often enough that people should generally be aware and prepared. But, people let me down all the time with their poor judgement. I've made my share of poor decisions, but nobody had to come fetch me.
I have not studied the trespass laws of other states. the General Mining Act of 1877 set a standard of trespass that many western states adopted upon statehood. It was all for mineral access which required roads which required trespassing.
In my land use planning class in 1988 the professor...