I’ve tried most of the things recommended with varying success then bit the bullet and spent the money on Lenz electric socks. A complete gamer for me. When I stand hunt and steelhead fish in the winter I simply never even think about getting cold feet.
I agree, be sensible. If it is sensible for you to stock up on Mountain House because you are worried about a once in a thousand years rainfall event where you live have at it. For me it is not.
Yeah I have two of them, a 12 and a 20. Great looking guns. One season I shot 3” slugs out of the 12 and got too close to my scope. I would advise against that unless you want to see stars and have a bloody gash on your nose.
Routine low 20s for long hours of stationary hunting - no on the Stratus bibs.
Infrequent low 20s for a few hours of stationary hunting - yes.
I usually break out my Fanatic bibs for consistent under 30 temps.
If it’s green and below shoulder height the deer will be eating it. I would concentrate on any pockets in the woods that get extra sunlight. The green growth there should be noticeable.
I have used cell cameras in areas that have very poor to no cell service. Sometimes the cameras will work and sometimes they won’t. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why. Also when a camera can’t connect sending a photo to the cell tower it will keep trying which sucks the life out...
Run Ultimate Lithium for longest life. The Tactacam battery pack or EBL lithiums will get you about two thirds of the Ultimate Lithium run time. The Tactacam solar battery should easily get you through the season if set up in a sunny area. Once the leaves are off the trees the solar battery...
Likely too warm. It will pack small even though it’s just over a pound but with it being a puffy it will be bulkier than you think when wearing it. The Katabatic Tincup at 13.5 oz. and Montbell Alpine at 16 oz. are some good ones in between.
The warmth to weight on the Grumman is excellent. If you want warmer you’ll have to go up in weight. If you go up about 8 oz. the Rab Mythic Ultra Down in a M weighs 18.9 oz. with 8.5 oz of 900 goose down.
See a physical therapist. Guessing about the causes of your back problem and the most effective exercises for it can take you down the wrong rabbit hole. Also educate yourself on the McGill Method. It’s a very good general lower back stretching and strengthening program.
Black Diamond Couloir. Minimal and light, easy on and off. Use the belay loops for the lineman’s. Prussik knots on each end of the safety tree rope. Snug one end to the tree, adjust the other end at your harness.
The Rab will be slightly warmer than the Grumman but that’s to be expected since it has about 1 1/2 more ounces of down. The Rab also weighs about 6.7 more ounces than the Grumman.
NY upstate hunter. For still hunting and squirrel hunting what you have could be ok but as has been mentioned ditch the cotton. It’s really not that hard to stay warm when you’re moving. For stationary deer hunting after an hour you are going to feel the cold seeping in. I would add a down puffy...