Look at the High Country Inn on 12th Street. Haven't stayed there but used to like to hit Jeremiah's (the attached restaurant) for breakfast.
12th Street will be a strait shot to get to Ogden Canyon. North Ogden Divide closes occasionally for avalanches. This year it closed a few times.
I'm thinking a 4.2" .45 Colt (like Jesse's) could be a mighty fine woods self defense gun. Handy and easily carried, a little heavy though. You would be able to load stout Ruger Only .45 Colt loads when needed and have have fun shooting normal pressure .45 Colt ammo. Just thinking about it makes...
Choosing DA or SA is a tough personal decision. Lots of opinions rivalling thoughts on calibers, gundogs, religion and politics.
I personally use a 4 or 5 inch DA in either .41 Mag or 454 Casull. Even though I have both DA and SA revolvers in those calibers on either side of the .44 Mag. DA...
Forgot to say, the Guides Choice has a leather shoulder strap and I have not had it dig in with it below a bino harness and pack shoulder straps. I would imagine the leather is thicker and has a more rigid edge; so I would doubt the Kenai would be painful or dig in.
I have a Guides Choice and wear it low below binos. I imagine you could do the same with the Kenai. I had to adjust the fit and play around to get it to work and have a clear draw though.
Looks nice. I like how the suspension mounting points are more spread out like Simply Rugged.
My one concern with revolvers that extends through the holster would be snagging the front sight. This Toklat sight looks mild compared to the sight on a .41 mag BH.
I've seen some issues since the latest major release on Android. Sometimes it is quick and other times doggy. All on a soild 55Mbps down WiFi connection.
I prefer Thornily Stopping Power (TSP) over TKO.
TSP provides a reference chart that indicates the value need to cleanly harvest under any condtition. The way I interpret TSP, is that it factors in some safety margins. It is important to restate that the TSP value represents a clean harvest...