Search results

  1. K

    Mathews Bow Sling and their Silent Connect system

    I've been using the Sling-a-Ling. The sling can be annoying at times but it's lightweight and always attached to the bow.
  2. K

    Can a scope moving in the rings damage the Scope?

    I had that problem once with a Kahles scope. It did not damage the scope but it sure affected the zero. So, my limited experience is "no."
  3. K

    Mathews Lift Limb issues?

    I ran into a fellow at the Highlands Ranch range that had his Lift limbs break on his 65 lb bow.
  4. K

    Feedback for Elk Hunting Strategy

    Elk hunting is all about finding elk. Leave the beds alone and focus on where they go when they leave their beds. If you kick them out of their beds, they likely won't return for a week or more. .
  5. K

    Thumb Release?

    I have a Carter 1st choice for $100.00 delivered if you'd like to try a thumb release. I'm sticking with my Spot Hogg Keeton.
  6. K

    Who will shoot a cow elk this year?

    I have an either sex archery tag on a private ranch, for a six day hunt. On day 5, any cow that shows up, assuming I do not have a bull down, is a serious risk for a life expectancy problem.
  7. K

    Mathews acknowledges Lift Limb issues, changes warranty

    We all make mistakes. The good people and companies stand behind their products and services. Mathews did so here. I'll happily stick with my V3x until the next generation Lifts are more durable.
  8. K

    Best mechanical broad head for big game?

    I've killed three good sized hogs (155, 180 and 235 lbs) with the Ramcat Hemoshock. The ranch I'm hunting elk on this year has a preference for expandables, the 2nd outfitter in a row who has told me that. This outfitter/rancher prefers the Shwacker 261. I'm going to use the Hemoshock and...
  9. K

    Wrist strap?

    I use one but that's because I carry my bow with a Sling-a-ling at times, which attaches to a wrist strap. It's not a bother.
  10. K

    30-06 for everything????

    I agree. A good rifle in the 270/30-06 will handle any animal in the lower 48 for normal ranges.
  11. K

    Bowhunting Rangefinder Around $100?

    Go on ebay. I bought a Bushnell as a spare for $90, new in the box. There are several Bushnells in your price range, as well as several other brands. The Bone Collector one is in your price range.
  12. K

    Kifaru belt won’t stay secure

    Call them Monday.
  13. K

    Colorado second season boot insulation

    One year, we hunted about 40 miles W of Craig. The temperatures never got about -15 the first weekend. My feet were never cold in Bean boots with good wool socks. Take care of your core and the feet will be warm.
  14. K


    I got a new Bushnell rangefinder on Ebay for $100 as a spare. It's rated to 1000 yards but for archery, any range is fine.
  15. K

    What camo pattern are you going to wear this archery elk season?

    ASAT leafy suit for me. I've had elk as close as 3 feet away not know what I was.
  16. K

    Predator scent to move elk out of impenetrable spots (coastal elk)? Thoughts

    Human scent chases elk away as good as cannon fire.
  17. K

    Best rechargeable headlamp
  18. K

    Best rechargeable headlamp

    Peax. Bright enough on white, but it also has a good bright 200 lumen red beam.
  19. K


    I'm 20/15 after my cataract surgery. Some of the best money I've ever spent.