@Rufus I thought you might like to see this, this is what Patrick included with the pack when you bought it.
No clue how many animals have been carried out with a Kifaru pack but I'm sure it's many thousands, I can tell you that I've got 20+ animals carried out with my Siwash over the years...
They were the only camp up there, that’s the first nurse I’ve ever met hunting.
It was a good buck
Not a good place to cut my wrist though, just missed the artery and I must’ve hit a nerve because I’m having problems with my elbow
Only people I met this year was when I pulled into their camp in a snow storm. I’d shot a buck right at dark and buried my knife in my wrist and was in pretty bad shape. The lady there was a cardiac nurse, she knew what to do, got the bleeding stopped and kept me from going to far into shock...
It’s a panel loader with bottom access, about 4,000 ci if I remember right, has the reversible fleece panels. I love mine, been using it since 2006 or so and have carried a lot of animals out in it. It’s good up to about 80 lbs comfortably but I’ve carried double that in it before, ended up...
My favorite hunting pack is my original Siwash, absolutely love it, the only problem is the belt is pretty much worn out and not real comfortable with weight anymore. I also have an original Spike Camp that I like for shorter trips but I plan on being buried with that Siwash.
I took the app off my phone a week ago, I didn’t look at it a lot but when I did it turned into a huge waste of time. I still have messenger but that’s how my cousins communicate so I’ll keep it for now.
As for Newberg, Solo Hunter and other hunting shows, you can get them on YouTube for free.
Nothing. A lot of LE agencies are switching back to 9mm though so people are worried the ammo wont be as common. I saw 40 on the shelf long after the 9 was all dried up though.
I’ve lived in Colorado for 14 years, been all over the state and have never seen a rattlesnake although I did bet buzzed by one out at John Martin. During elk season you may see the little green garter snake that are up there but they don’t hurt anything.
Pretty sure that caliber restriction is only during big game seasons if you don’t have a big game tag. Otherwise there is no caliber restrictions AFAIK.
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Years ago the eye cup on my 8x30's disappeared out hunting, it just fell off somehow and I called them and they sent me a replacement that day and then about 9 months ago I sent them in to fix the rubber as it was splitting at the seam, they had them back to me within a couple weeks, I'm pretty...
It’s tough hunting, not a ton of deer, thick brush and rough country. I grew up hunting out there but it’s been years. Have you found SCH Outdoors forum yet? It’s local to So Cal.
Deer season is over for the most part until next year, tags draw in early June and you need to get your D16 quick...
More than likely it’s BS, they said the same here in Colorado about the 15+ round magazine ban, ATF & State Troopers were gonna go undercover to bust people buying and bringing mags across state lines. I’ve got buddies who work for both agencies and they all laughed, basic response was “right...
Glad you liked it, I may need to get another one mine wasn't working so well this year and I tried 3 different lighters, it is about 7 years old so I've gotten my money out of it.
I’ve killed 15+ animals with that bullet out of a 308, all under 300 yds, all pass throughs, all good hits, none of the them have gone more than 50 yards and most are DRT. Put the bullet where it’s supposed to go and they die quick.