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  1. Hunt4lyf

    Another CO Mountain Goat

    Very nice! That’s my dream hunt here in Colorado.
  2. Hunt4lyf

    How do you store extra food at the truck when camping away from the truck?

    I've never had a problem with bears and leaving my food inside and in the back of my truck, I don't even worry about honestly when out hunting, thieves though worry me and I always try and keep my stuff as covered up as possible as I've seen glass on the ground more than a few times at trailheads.
  3. Hunt4lyf

    WTB Cheap rangefinder

    This one is listed here right now I just bought a new SIG 1200 off ebay for $160 shipped, it's basic but its accurate.
  4. Hunt4lyf

    Colorado Billy

    Congratulations! Out of all the animals here in CO that is the one I want most.
  5. Hunt4lyf

    WTS 2 Leupold Scopes

    Sent you a PM
  6. Hunt4lyf

    How high would you look for elk in late October with no snow?

    Honestly, find where the people are going and look somewhere else, I've found them close to the roads when people are way back in and vice versa. All the vehicles are at one trailhead? Go find a stretch where there are no vehicles and hunt there. I'm curious though, how would you be able to...
  7. Hunt4lyf

    Fire Fire everywhere and not a place to hunt

    Is any of the BLM open?
  8. Hunt4lyf

    168 TTSX vs. 165 GMX

    I shoot the 168 TTSX out of my 308 and have taken a bunch of elk and deer with it, always a pass through, including one deer that I hit under the chin and the exit just left of the tail.
  9. Hunt4lyf

    Post a wild game recipe!

    1/4 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup ketchup, soy sauce, fresh garlic, pepper, etc... to taste, marinate whatever for a couple hours or longer and grill it medium rare. Super easy to make and delicious. That's just the basics, I also add cilantro, ginger, green onions, whatever. I prefer a bit more tang...
  10. Hunt4lyf

    Truck bed sleeping situations?

    If you do the cot tent I'd recommend finding one like the Cabelas double cot with a raised roof, it takes up a bit more space but I was really cramped in the single cot with the flat roof. My buddy has the double size with raised roof and it's way easier to get comfortable and move around in...
  11. Hunt4lyf

    Truck bed sleeping situations?

    I have a Kodiak Canvas Truck Tent which is pretty cool, takes about 15 minutes to set up once you figure it out, take down is about 10 minutes. On a Tacoma it's a little tricky due to the bed rails and having to use C-clamps but once I figured it out it's pretty simple. It's not meant for...
  12. Hunt4lyf

    Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

    If you listen to podcasts then Sasquatch Chronicles on Stitcher has 600+ episodes to listen to.
  13. Hunt4lyf

    Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

    I didn't realize how rare it is at the time, if I had I would have taken better pics of it. I circled a couple things that are hard to see unless you know. The black circle is a foot pad and the red is the skull, you can see the top front teeth at the bottom left side of the circle. It was a...
  14. Hunt4lyf

    Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Steve Isdahl

    I have found 1 dead bear in the hills, I came across it while backpacked in for mule deer and I am the only person I know or have even heard of ever finding a dead one. As far as Sasquatch goes, I had an experience 5 years ago out elk hunting that still causes me to wake up at night sweating...
  15. Hunt4lyf

    Black backpack for hunting

    Been using one for years, zero problems.
  16. Hunt4lyf

    Big Woods Bucks Presents "Lee" - A Short Film

    That type of hunting has always enthralled me, so foreign compared to what I am used to. Thanks!
  17. Hunt4lyf

    Closed Cell Foam and Air Mattress

    Zrest normally, I use an REI insulated pad that works great down to 15, with the Z under it I'm good down to 0'ish.
  18. Hunt4lyf

    Closed Cell Foam and Air Mattress

    CCF above air mattress if it's uninsulated, CCF below if the air mattress is insulated. If you put the CCF under an uninsulated air mattress you run the risk having cold air come up though it.
  19. Hunt4lyf

    Question about older Swaros

    I live and hunt in Colorado with a pair of 20 yr old 8x30 SLC's and do just fine. In the timber going after elk 8's are nice, on a tripod looking for mulies they work but 10's are better.