I really like shooting a light arrow. I use the same set up for hunting everything. I never wanted to be the guy who has a different arrow for every animal he hunts. I am all about keeping it simple. I shoot a 375 grain arrow out of a Mathews bow set at 71lbs with a 28.5 draw length. I have...
The only time I thought I was going to have a problem was after I killed a bull in Nevada. I had four guys who were non-hunters walk right up to me as I breaking down my bull. A couple of them started asking questions about why I hunt and how could I kill such a beautiful animal. Then they...
I know a lot of you guys and gals have put moose on the ground so post you picture and tell a little about the hunt. This one is just for fun!
This was the toughest hunt I have ever been on. Twenty four days of hunting before I found this moose in northwest Montana. A cool thing about this...
With all the Grip and Grin Contests going on I thought we should do one for Goats! Post you picture and tell a little about the hunt. This one is just for fun!
I well get things started with my Montana billy. I was lucky enough to sneak with 55 yards and sent my first arrow right behind the...
Thanks Juan,
I love hunting your home state. My public land buck gross scored 193 in the velvet and was 31 1/2 wide at his G3's. This buck only had 21 inch main beams. I am hopping to try again in the same area this year!
That is a hard question, but I would say my #1 tip would be to pay attention to the topography and not to stalk the antelope until they are in a stalkable location. It sounds like common sense but it amazing to me how many people will just walk at them in open flat country. I have had much...