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  1. WBT

    EuroOptic SG Grumman Sale

    I just picked up a down jacket. Great deal.
  2. WBT

    Vx5 HD Reticle Issue

    I have the same scope and my reticle looks like it has crud on it as well. Not sure what it is, but it hasn’t affected the performance.
  3. WBT

    Kifaru Woobie/Doobie

    I have a woobie and primarily use it for extra warmth when I’m glassing. I’m not sure that’s what’s it’s intended for, but it works.
  4. WBT

    Would you buy this scope?

    I’d be interested in giving this scope a shot. I’m curious if it’s actually going to happen.
  5. WBT

    Daughters Idaho Muley

    That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing.
  6. WBT

    Help me figure out my next hunt.

    I would steer you away from a Texas dall sheep. You could do a free range nilgai/axis/aoudad hunt and enjoy yourself much, much more. Feel free to PM if you want to discuss.
  7. WBT

    40th Birthday Gift for my hunter!

    A custom knife would be nice. I’d look at Charles May.
  8. WBT

    Trophy Elk: What's it to YOU

    It’s a matter of effort to me. A hard fought bull with my bow is a trophy regardless of score.
  9. WBT

    Mongolia - flight routes, airlines, firearm considerations

    Thanks for sharing. I’m looking into Mongolia and this thread has been helpful.
  10. WBT

    Idaho Moose

    Great bull. Congrats!
  11. WBT

    Favorite Game to Eat

    Axis deer are my favorite by a wide margin.
  12. WBT

    Which rifle would you choose?

  13. WBT

    Nanny or Billy?

    The shape of the horns and absence of a rubbery black pad behind the horns are a dead giveaway that it's a nanny.
  14. WBT

    Yukon Ram

    Congratulations and thanks for the lessons shared.
  15. WBT

    West Texas Aoudad - Late Report

    I’ve never heard anything but praise for Mike and his operation. Congrats.
  16. WBT

    My August 2024 Dall Dream Hunt

    Incredible recap. Thanks for sharing!
  17. WBT

    Have any of you thought who gets your stuff. Or do they even want it

    This is somewhat of a depressing topic for me personally. My wife and I don't have any children and neither do our immediate brothers and sisters. And it's not just the guns I don't know what to do with. I'm much more concerned with what to do with my land. In Montana, I plan on trying to...
  18. WBT

    Gunsmiths in Oklahoma

    No personal experience, but I’ve always heard really good things about Jon Beanland.
  19. WBT

    Going on Safari- What question ya got?

    Don't be pressured to shoot your buffalo off of sticks at a good distance away. Get close. And don't shoot your hippo in the water.
  20. WBT

    Iron Will August Giveaway!

    S100 and Montana