If those 4-24 on euro had MOA instead of MRAD reticle as I’d be all over it. As per “too much magnification” this scope would move around occasionally to other rifles for target distance shooting and practice. Plenty of guys shoot distance with 8-10 power but I don’t prefer it. I’m still...
I damn near had it in the cart when I figured that out. If I’m spending close to $1000 I want illumination and zero stop. Looks like I’ll do the zeiss with an illuminated reticle.
I was set on the trijicon until I realized that particular model doesn’t have zero stop (zeiss does). It does have an illuminated reticle, which I think I want. Back to the drawing board….
Oh wise ones, I come seeking guidance.
I have the opportunity to buy a Trijicon Tenmile HX 6-24 for a good discount or the Conquest v4 6-24 on midway for $800. Puts both within close money to each other. I’m wanting a MOA scope SFP to mount on my AR and shoot long distance. If any hunting it...
I got the 1 horse #22 grinder last year during their sale. I like it. Double the power and 3 times the size of my last one. I recently got a friends buck and did 40lb of burger with it. I got the Meat brand bags and planned to stuff them with the grinder. Once I got done grinding and mixing I...
I have the 1HP bought last year during Black Friday. I did a couple smaller deer with it and used the stuffing horns for one of those. You can’t beat the deal and it did great (I had a cheaper 1/2hp non commercial by Cabels for a few years) but something to consider is size and weight. It’s very...
I wanted a nice glass top desktop for my office, and the local shop has one for a reasonable price. He dropped the price and cut the tax so I got that and a decent haul of cigars. He threw the Romeo in for me to try.
Total lotto play but I’m considering an ITM DraftKings call with an expiration pretty far out. Looking for a dip to buy it but with playoffs, super bowl and college BBall heating up, I see a lot of upside if folks are stuck at home and gambling more. Thoughts?