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  1. switchback270

    First lite promo code?

    story creek has some stuff on sale.. not sure about their boxers though. Edit:
  2. switchback270

    Shout out to Robby and Rokblogs Live Hunt - Closing in on Jalepeno

    got me thinking the best lol... hoping he's just putting together the big success story, pictures, and video right now...
  3. switchback270

    Shout out to Robby and Rokblogs Live Hunt - Closing in on Jalepeno

    I've been checking the blog more than I've been on the forum lol
  4. switchback270

    Shout out to Robby and Rokblogs Live Hunt - Closing in on Jalepeno

    from the blog: 11:20. He's 80 yards away just under a bluff
  5. switchback270

    Shout out to Robby and Rokblogs Live Hunt - Closing in on Jalepeno

    been following it as well. he does a great job with the updates.. hoping he gets him today! things are looking good from the last update this AM.
  6. switchback270

    Big typical

    I know Wyoming has an early season rifle mule deer hunt starting on sept 15. Awesome buck, vandal! Good luck and post some pics when you put him down.
  7. switchback270

    Live Hunt - Bighorn Sheep Oregon

    good luck. looking forward to this one.
  8. switchback270

    Coffee ?

    another vote for starbucks vias colombian or italian
  9. switchback270

    Cost of a horse packer

    here's a link to their rental page.
  10. switchback270

    exo mountain pack

    added another 5500 to the waiting list... come on october
  11. switchback270

    Preference points

    i know wyoming does. july 1st - sept 30th i believe are the dates
  12. switchback270

    2014 Colorado Deer Draw is over - Backdoor open

    You would be guessing right. Dumb decision on my part. I drew the tag last year and was a little too confident that I'd draw it again I suppose. Lesson learned.
  13. switchback270

    2014 Colorado Deer Draw is over - Backdoor open

    thanks, Bar. It looks like August 5th at 9am
  14. switchback270

    2014 Colorado Deer Draw is over - Backdoor open

    no luck here. When are the leftover tags available to purchase?
  15. switchback270

    Knee pain

    Is the pain on the front of your knee below the knee cap? If so it might be your patella tendon. Most likely really sore. I went to the orthopedic doctor last month and got MRIs done. Got a torn acl, torn meniscus, and possibly some arthritis in my right knee. Leavin for Colorado in 12 days...
  16. switchback270

    New guy from SW PA

    Welcome to the forum! You will learn a lot from the guys here. I know I sure have. I'm from Washington, PA.
  17. switchback270

    Hunt cut short... knee injury

    Good luck with the knee buddy. I feel your pain. I too am 24 and I tore my right acl 5 years ago. Never got it fixed (young and dumb) and managed to do pretty well until 3 weeks ago when I stepped down off of a plyo metric box and hyperextended it pretty bad. When it happened I heard and felt a...
  18. switchback270

    Hunt cut short... knee injury

    Good luck with the knee buddy. I feel your pain. I too am 24 and I tore my right acl 5 years ago. Never got it fixed (young and dumb) and managed to do pretty well until 3 weeks ago when I stepped down off of a plyo metric box and hyperextended it pretty bad. When it happened I heard and felt a...
  19. switchback270

    Where you huning whitetails this year?

    Southwestern pa here.
  20. switchback270

    Uncomphagre sizing.

    BB is right, you should be good with a L. I'm very impressed with mine, can't wait to put it to the test in October.