Search results

  1. Sawtoothsteve

    What R-Value Do I Need For A Sleeping Pad? Therm-A-Rest Vs Klymit

    Beaver Hunter, I have both the extherm and an Exped Down Mat 9. I also hunt the Idaho November archery deer hunt....if you are headed for the late archery hunt in 39, I would say that I see single digit temps about every 3rd or 4th year out. I love both of the pads, and they each have an...
  2. Sawtoothsteve

    1x scope for traditional ML

    Thanks guys
  3. Sawtoothsteve

    1x scope for traditional ML

    Greatings all, Looking for good 1x scope to mount on a ML. I have near sight focus issues (this aging thing sucks), so am permitted to use a scope in traditional ML hunt in Idaho. Looking for recommendations on scopes. I like leupold gear but don't see a fixed 1x on their website. No...
  4. Sawtoothsteve

    Rolled Ankles

    Black Diamond Carbon Corks to be specific.
  5. Sawtoothsteve

    Rolled Ankles

    I would recommend stiff boots and trekking poles. I have 6 screws, two pins and a rod in my left ankle, and 4 screws and two pins after 6 surgeries on my right knee. The stiff boots with 8 inch ankles have given me more stability (translates to less side to side movement) and I can go much...
  6. Sawtoothsteve

    Solo Stove

    I have been toying with a wood burning stove and my biggest dislike at this point is the sticky soot/tar build up on the pot. Others experiencing the same? Any solution for this?
  7. Sawtoothsteve

    Newbie load/sighting questions

    Went shooting again today. Found some hotter caps, and using the same load (110 gr Tripple 7 FFg and 370gr maxiball). With hotter caps, I shot 1 1/2 inch high at 50yds, 2 inches low at 100yds, and 9 inches low at 150. Shot sub MOA group at 100 yds with the factory open sites. I am good with...
  8. Sawtoothsteve

    At what altitude do isobutane stoves start to have trouble ?

    Don't know that physics, but my experience is that temperature has more impact than altitude. I used Jitboil ti at 9000 feet in September with no issues. Have used canister succusfully up to just under 13,000. I have also had issues at less than 5,000 when in single digit temps.
  9. Sawtoothsteve

    Newbie load/sighting questions

    I am new to the MH scene, with fairly extensive centerfire handloading experience. Reading here and first shoot at the range is proving that the two are very different. The question I have come to in sighting in with a Traditions Vortek Ultralight LDR Magnum western, is that when shooting a TC...
  10. Sawtoothsteve

    Lightening the Load

    I agree, pretty good list with some good suggestions above. Your total weigth is not bad, when you see others weight in similar range, they are not including the clothes on body generally, however, you need to add food, and don't forget your bow/gun. When all in, you should still be well under...
  11. Sawtoothsteve

    Minimum pack size

    Thanks Muley
  12. Sawtoothsteve

    Minimum pack size

    When answering this question (especially those of you using the smaller packs) are you putting everything inside your pack, or lashing items to the outside (eg. sleeping back, shelter, etc.)?
  13. Sawtoothsteve

    Camera suggestions?

    Cannon powershot....any version that uses AA batteries.
  14. Sawtoothsteve

    Platypus or Camelbak bladder?

    I carry the Platy Big Zip for the same reason. I carry the 3L as their really is no weight penalty, and I can fill it to the brim late in the day when camping away from water source. Also find a drink more water when I have a little "extra" and am not rationing during the day when I'm not sure...
  15. Sawtoothsteve

    Favorite NEW gear for 2013 season

    What blades do you like. Thinking of switching myself.
  16. Sawtoothsteve

    1st gun for 12 year old

    Wow, surprised by the strong bias toward the 3x9. I was thinking more of the bulk than the weight savings for the 2x7 to get to an easy carry mountain rifle. Thanks for the input!
  17. Sawtoothsteve

    1st gun for 12 year old

    OK guys, the big 12 year birthday is coming up for my son, so time to finish the project. I have elected to go with a Tikka T3 and now am selecting the scope to mount. I am liking the idea of a Leupold VX-2 2x7. I am wondering about the ability of the scope in the early and late hours, and...
  18. Sawtoothsteve

    Lets Introduce ourselves!

    Steve 43 Boise, Idaho, grew up on farm in E Washington 4 kids and a beatiful wife Bank executive Basketball Coach Sunday School Teacher Helplessly addicted to wilderness hunting. Will be running the mountains as long as my legs will carry me (6 knee surgeries to date) Elk and Deer hunting...
  19. Sawtoothsteve

    1st gun for 12 year old

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts and opinions. I should have noted that this is not his first gun, but his first hunting rifle as he has been shotgun hunting since 10 (can't big game hunt in Idaho until 12). I am not too concerned with his ability to handle the recoil of the .270, and really...
  20. Sawtoothsteve

    The 2013 "No Mountain House Challenge"!

    Waring pro on sale at Costco for $40.