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  1. K

    WTS Kifaru 44 Mag

    I’ll take it
  2. K

    WTS Kifaru pack setup. 26"UL, fulcrum and more

    How does the fulcrum work with just 3 tabs?
  3. K

    WTS Kifaru, Seek outside, Liteoutdoors, BPWD, Northface, Gossamer gear

    Payment sent. Thanks for your patients
  4. K

    WTS/WTT Kifaru Duplex Tactical Multicam Mint 26”

    It looks like a duplex and not a duplex tactical. The duplex tactical has bat wings over the shoulder harness on the frame sheet and only comes with a coyote frame sheet even if the harness and belt are a different color (ie. black, RG or multicam)
  5. K

    New Exo 4800 VS New Mystery Ranch Beartooth 80

    American made EXO vs overseas Mystery Ranch. That would be my decision maker. Having said that I was very impressed with the MR MT frame and belt when I borrowed a buddies. In reality if where it’s made doesn’t matter then price might. It’s hard to have a real opinion on EXO because the new...
  6. K

    WTS New Kifaru Duplex Lite, Cavern and pockets

    what size shoulder harness?
  7. K

    2019 Idaho backcountry spring bear hunt

    Awesome adventure with you kid
  8. K

    WTS Kifaru: Duplex Tactical Frame 26" in Highlander

    Its pre tactical/hunter
  9. K

    Washington state spring bear draw results posted.

    If someone draws Skagit and wants some pointers PM me. I havent been out at all this year but have good knowledge of the unit.
  10. K

    WTS Mystery Ranch Selway 60 $425 shipped

    The MT frame has a molle or pals style webbing on the belt and the GL has no attachment points. I believe the belt pulley function is different between the two as well.
  11. K

    WTS Mystery Ranch Selway 60 $425 shipped

    It looks like the selway 60 is on a Guide Light Frame instead of the new MT frame?
  12. K

    Kifaru guide lid on 22 mag bag?
  13. K

    Worth upgrading? Kifaru

    The weight between the Fulcrum and the Hoodlum is 6 oz and a loss of 1300 ci. I never had the duplex but between the hunter duplex and the lite I found the lite to be comfortable but not substantially better than the hunter duplex.
  14. K

    Best Kifaru hunting pack

    I would spend 20-40 dollars on buckles and clips and put the 3200 on the kifaru frame... then take your time firguring out what other bag you want.
  15. K

    Kifaru hoodlum released

    Im missing the purpose of 2 side zips when a U zip would have added 2 oz.
  16. K

    Kifaru Reckoning - Frame - Accessories

    It looks like your frame is a duplex, pre hunter/tactical frame.
  17. K

    Closet Cleanout

    Size of the frame?