The VA did it and was great but they won’t say much on timeline. Just we will take it 2 weeks at a time until I’m back %100. They said could be 6 or 12 months. They just want to focus on rehab with no timeline. Just trying to get idea cause don’t want to waste an archery elk tag. Kinda thinking...
So had draw arm shoulder cut on today. Collarbone joint, cuff, labrum and couple other things repaired.
For guy that have had this done is it realistic to apply for archery tags next year or should I focus on gun tags and put archery on hold for one fall?
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Just wondering if there is a reason a guy shouldn’t make an internal frame for the 12x12 size? And then if anyone has done it can ya share the info.
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It is sad but the truth is those politicians don’t believe the verbal diarrhea that comes out their mouths. It’s a political game to get elsewhere and if tearing down this country mean more money than they will do it. Greed is powerful
Now for the sheep that follow the fools I can’t imagine...
Cutting skull cap is the way to go I think. If you do euro then make sure your pot is big enough. I hauled a turkey frying pot to AZ last year and it wasn’t big enough. Also it takes a fair amount of time to clean a whole skull so that another problem. Most states are cracking down on cwd so I...
I can see not hunting in the south or east if ya not a local but if ya like to fish then y’all missing out by not coming down.
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I have land that joins Forrest and honestly if people are just skirting the property I don’t really mess with it. I have personally walked a lot of boundaries to access Forrest so hard for me to cut people off even if I own the land. It’s a difficult line for sure but for me it’s been easier to...
Hey just wondering if anyone knows if CO is gonna change group apps to where they average party preference points? I haven’t been able to see anything about this only season date changes.
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Mine I guess is something people don’t do to much but it was not having enough stuff. We had no pack frames, game bags, water system, binos. Basically all the crap people carry we didn’t have. Just bows , calls and simple backpacks empty if we killed. Probably lucky we didn’t kill a bull we...
I’m in Arkansas if ya want to talk about that as option. Cheap tags and pretty good public land compared to most southern states. Shoot me pm if ya want to talk.
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First off I’m not a trophy hunted. I switched from 10’s to 8’s and am happy with it. I spend way more time hunting at home so 8s in timber for white tails is a lot better in my opinion. For out west sure there are times that more power would be fun but I can tell by frame of an animal if I’m...
I work a 0700-1900 swing shift. I personally have tried about everything over the years and have found for me I do better keeping my core meals the same time.
Breakfast @7ish, lunch @1300 or when I wake up, dinner @2000. I only rotate my snacks with my shift. I personally like boiled eggs...
I’m an eastern guy and stand hunted my whole life. I haven’t tried all that’s out there but have played with several.
I use an ol man lock-on that’s the old carbon fiber and it rocks but not a huge fan of the climbers.
Summit equally most comfy stands I’ve used by far.
Lone wolf hand climber...