I'm not sure what you are calling entry level, but a Vortex Razor 13-39 can be had for about $900 on sale. They are available in angled and straight.
Btw, there are a few comparisons on YouTube by different people.
They make all sizes of hard cases. I'd rather have a hard one just big enough to fit everything including arrows in it. I've used both. I'd never fly with a soft case, so I think that means I give the edge in durability to hard cases.
I'm not sure how homeschooling could do a worse job that what most public schools have been doing for the past few decades. There are tons of online tools available now. There's frankly a lot of wasted time in a public school day even if you don't count the time to go to school and get home...
I agree with MuleyFever. Just find one you like. I don't think most of those listed here are on lists of "best", so I'm not sure how they are "overrated". :D
Just curious who you are a fan of if you liked college football better before NIL and the Portal?
The net result seems to be more teams have a chance to win, so unless you happened to be a fan of the teams that were always there for the past few years, I don't understand why you like the...
Drop testing would only be reliable if you tested hundreds of each scope models and variations for each brand in exactly the same conditions, and even in that case the conditions need to match what you expect to do with the scope/rifle of the same weight, same drop distance, etc. A single pass...
It’s a long time til 59 1/2. It’s probably a good idea to create a post tax 401k if you can afford it. But, paying a 10% penalty may not matter if you make enough.
However, the thing you didn’t mention is diversification of investments in your 401K. If you haven’t, spend time choosing...
Up to 100K depending on options, but that depends on your definition of quality. I think most of the reputable brands have prices on their websites. A limited set of manufacturers can be found at truckcampermagazine. They only including their advertisers.
None of those are always true.
1. I can close the slides if I want a smaller space to heat.
2. I've used mine about 20 years with no reliability issues or repair.
3. If you are fat, sure, otherwise, I can use mine with both slides closed. At minimum, go inside, close the slides.
It depends...
If you are planning to judge the antlers, I think the spotter is probably better.
But, how far are you wanting to see? Why do you think you need to make a change?
If the money is available, consider taking advantage of Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. What power to have varies by individual. I stepped up to a 3-15 a couple of years ago. I think that's enough for me although I previously used a 3.5-10 or 3-9 for a long time, and it was ok as well. The...
Most TCs weigh quite a bit more than dry weight (usually listed) once you add water, batteries, propane, your stuff, tie downs and mounts, etc. Many people think that's anywhere from 500-1500 lbs depending on how much water it holds. Also, not all TCs include options in their weight. The...
I can't remember the last time I fell, but I don't think it's that often. I think a few decades ago. As someone mentioned, maybe some walk testing is needed. If you have issues walking, sorry, I don't mean to offend. Just a joke ... I've had friends who've had issues wearing bifocals. I...