My daughter made it happen last night! Glassed this bull up after a snow storm and made a move on him. We found him feeding in a saddle about 150 yards away and she made a great shot. Couldn’t be happier for her.
She missed the first two shots out of excitement, but the buck was actually rutting pretty hard and stuck around the does. She ended up making a perfect shot on her 3rd try.
My gun is a 6.5 PRC pushing a 142 ABLR. It works well.
My daughter’s first deer! She’s passed up a ton of young bucks hoping for a mature deer. It happened for her this morning! Time on the mountain with her is always special!
Hunting with kids can be challenging, but is so rewarding. I am a girl dad x3 and it’s fun to share the mountain with my daughters. She has passed multiple deer every year hoping for a mature buck and this morning it finally happened for her. She made a great shot on a mature buck. Couldn’t be...
I have the VA5 fluid head but it’s heavy, and it won’t lock down tight on the horizontal clamp. What other solid lightweight options are there for a good fluid head with a handle?
I don’t think you realize or understand how passionate bird hunters are. I have driven 19 hours one way to chase Mearns quail. For me that was a once in a lifetime trip during a good hatch year. Elk hunters are not the only passionate hunters out there. If being “polite” means not hunting my dog...