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  1. S

    WTT Any interest in a reloading components/ammo trading thread?

    I understand that. A quick look at what they go for at retail (if they were in stock) confirms that while the copper is more expensive, it still isn’t a good deal for me. Thanks. Good luck.
  2. S

    WTT Any interest in a reloading components/ammo trading thread?

    You want to give me 100 bullets for my 250 ish (2 full boxes plus a partial box that I haven’t counted)? If you can explain to me how that makes sense, maybe I’ll consider it.
  3. S

    WTT Any interest in a reloading components/ammo trading thread?

    Located 21076 Have/Would Trade: Winchester 748 Winchester 296 IMR4350 H4350 (I'm going to be pretty picky on what I accept for trade on this, because I have a good bit, but it's still something I'll use) 6.5 140gr Hornady SST - Box of 100 6.5 140gr Hornady A-Max Box of 100 6.5 140gr Hornady...
  4. S

    WTT Any interest in a reloading components/ammo trading thread?

    Where are you located? Any specific 6.5 bullets you’re after?
  5. S

    WTS 6.5 grendel barrel and bolt

    Do you know anything about the manufacturer or the twist rate?
  6. S


    Stamp got to my FFL today. So while they said 45 days, it was about 15, including 2 federal holidays. Not bad.
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    How to go about antelope hunting for the first time?

    Lots of good info here. I hunted unit 22 in 2018 and 2019. I don’t know what happened, since I don’t live in that area full time, but there were significantly fewer antelope there in 2019 than in 2018. I didn’t go out in 2020, so no current info. Regarding the roads, the county maps are a...
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    Draw stats

    There’s a video for this, I believe from Randy Newberg, where he explains the Wyoming draw system. Look for it on YouTube. Wyoming is definitely not the easiest to understand.
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    Approved 21 Dec 20. They told me to allow up to 45 days for the stamp to get to my FFL, but hoping it goes quicker than that.
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    WTB .204 ammo

    All my stuff is 40 grain.
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    Chase points or hunt?

  12. S

    WTB .204 ammo

    I don’t own a 204 anymore, so I have no reason to keep mine. I’ll shoot you a PM.
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    WTB .204 ammo

    Where are you located? I may have a case, but shipping might sour the deal.
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    What Aftermarket Stock for a Winchester Model 70

    I have a McMillan Game Scout on my M70 and really like it.
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    Sold Kimber K6S 3”

    Sold locally.
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    Bino harness opinions

    I think I know what you’re getting at, but that hasn’t been my experience. I haven’t ever noticed my back being more sweaty in the portion under the harness.
  17. S

    Thoughts on the NRA

    I don’t disagree that they’ll keep trying to take and take. The alternative is to settle for a stalemate and things don’t change. Do you have some idea by which we get more gun rights without giving anything up?
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    Thoughts on the NRA

    Again, I’m not disagreeing. I’m unwilling to risk becoming a felon to carry somewhere it’s illegal to do so. Unless you have some grand plan in which House/Senate/White House/Judiciary are all overwhelmingly gun-friendly at the same point in time, and then a plan to deal with the eventuality...
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    Thoughts on the NRA

    I don’t disagree with anything you just said. Would you not give a little to get a little? NICS isn’t perfect, but it’s there. And the opposition wants us to use it more. I’ll submit to an imperfect background check in exchange for the ability to carry in any state. I travel enough that this...
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    Thoughts on the NRA

    Where do you live? I’m interested in having a beer and swapping stories. This is quite a thread, with lots of valid and sometimes competing ideas. One of my ideas: how about a compromise? I would support a bill to require a NICS check for all gun sales, even private sales, if in exchange...