Thanks for weighing those Axlrod. That's some good info. I like them being shorter than a bolt gun too. I think that's the biggest advantage they have over a bolt gun. You may not have to cock a bolt gun.. but you do have to turn the safety off :o I know a bunch of guys that forgot that step at...
Hey GKPrice. Post a review on the Stainless American Compact if you do go that route please. I've been considering one of those as well. Seems like a lot of gun for the money.
I would think so. I guess that's why it surprises me that more haven't tried to do it. Kinda why I had high hopes for the CVA Scout. I just have to think with all the technology that goes into making high quality ultra light bolt guns, it wouldn't be too hard to make a single shot ultralight and...
Thanks for the great responses by everybody. It's a fun topic to discuss.
I know I definitely wouldn't want a single shot as a dangerous game rifle. But that's the only place I can see it being a disadvantage in a big game hunting scenario. I think in open country, a handier rifle is probably...
JigStick- that's a sweet set up you've got. I'm going to have to do that someday just for how cool it is. I agree with u about getting shots off quickly. I can't think of a single time in all my hunting where I wouldn't have been able to reload a single shot after shooting at a deer. I either...
That's a good point Rob. I guess it just seems like it'd be so much more metal in a bolt action. Thanks for the well thought out response though. So I guess it comes down sacrificing a little bit of handiness for lighter weight or a little weight for more handiness but less shots available.
Thanks Jimbob. Yeah the handiness factor is the biggest reason I would think they'd be more popular. Seems like a sub 5 lb single shot for less than a grand would be pretty doable for some manufacturer. I thought CVA was there, but like was said earlier, they're not as light as they advertise.
Updated. I'll sell the rifle without scope for $575 shipped. These rifles are 700 or more brand new online plus shipping. Plus you get a DNZ scope mount with this one.
Tod- Definitely better than a slug gun for new shooters. I think you'll be pleased with the 44 performance.
Jimbob- Why wouldn't you consider it for big game though I guess is my question. It seems that single shots are always overlooked. Is it because of just the comfort of more rounds in the...
Wow that's crazy. They advertise the compact as 5.8 pounds. I wouldn't be very happy if I was expecting light weight and then it came in over 7 pounds. 44 mag's a great woods deer round though. I've killed several with a Marlin 1894 and they were all DRT.
Lol not quite. But did you feel like you were at a disadvantage at all? When lightweight and compact is the name of the game, it just surprises me to not see more manufacturers building single shot platforms.
Sure am. I've got a better spot here in TN than I've had in a long time. Might actually have a chance to kill a couple this year LOL. Good luck everyone. Being from TN, a draw for a spring turkey tag seems foreign to me. We buy a hunting license and a gun hunting license and then you can kill 4...
So the thread about the TC Pro Hunter for Western hunting got me thinking about this. Does anybody use a lightweight type of single shot. When I've looked into it in the past, most single shots are fairly heavy but there are some that are really light. For example, the CVA Scout is 5.8 pounds...
I have some of this stuff. I don't get cold but it is a little bulky and heavy. Doesn't matter if you're not walking far though. Got mine in the bargain cave too. Hard to go wrong with it for the price.