My update; Down 18 lbs since April, had follow-up visit with my doctor two weeks ago. Bloodwork - cholesterol numbers were all lower than they have been in a long time. Triglycerides were down from 309 to 125. Blood suger and A1C numbers were also down. 18 lbs lost since last visit back in...
Great to see it pass. I work with NF in the SE trying to get them to manage portions of their forests to increase habitat for Northern Bobwhite Quail. Habitat management that benefits bobs benefits all other kinds of game and non-game animals. Bob's like it rough.
So even though I'm down 50 lbs in a couple of years. I really started tracking what I am eating and drinking about two weeks ago. So I'm down 2.6 lbs in 2 weeks. Not what I wanted but I'll take it. The hardest part for me is getting the grams of protein that I should be getting.
One thing that has helped my wife and I is using an app like Myfitness pal to record what we are eating and drinking. It really helps to be conscious of what you are putting into your body. You can adjust carbs, fats and proteins to what ever % you want. Been doing this for two weeks now and...
Cocngratulations on your journey and to everyone else working hard to get to a healthy point. I to am working on getting into better shape and better health. Two years ago, I was at 320, now I am down to 270 and wearing 42 inch pants and all my clothes are fitting better.