If you are waiting for something to happen, you are perfect for Gov't work. If private sector, they are waiting for you to make something happen and show initiative ... too many candidates in the job pool.
I applied for a Postal position in my home town over 30 years ago. My Mom just me a a...
I'll bet those folks standing in line before Cabelas, Basspro, Walmart, etc. opened in the morning are all talking to each other complaining about how scarce stuff is when they are ready to rush in in clean the shelves creating the very problem they are complaining about.
I think we...
I'd be good with .22 short out to 450 yards, after that definitely .22 long.
I'm running an old Winchester Model 1890 pump .22 with a Tasco 1-3.5 scope ... a real hammer of a set-up! ;)
Do you understand that there is really "no" ammo available/
When people buy supplies of anything in a panic or hoarding mode, even things they don't need get bought.
I still have multiple boxes of 410 (shot, slugs, buckshot, 20 ga., 12ga., 2-3/4", 3", etc.) from the Obama purge.
Buy what you...
The Mississippi Roast is an excellent deer camp crock pot. My recipe ....
4-5 lbs chuck roast well marbled
sliced onions on the bottom of the pot
Au Jus packet - sprinkle 3/4 of it on the bottom
Pepperoncino's (sliced) - take 2/3 of them from the jar and spread over bottom of the pot
"cataclysmic times" ... "end of times" ... many people these days are too afraid to go to the grocery store and have to have the meals pre-boxed and delivered to them.
How many of you could survive without the internet or your cell phone for 3 days?
I hand mine from a tree near our bird feeders. Lots of birds like the fat and tissue during the winter and will pick clean. Then I throw in the pond for small fish structure.
That bullet at that range would not "poke" through the deer.
Any internal organ it went through with the exception of the heart would be destroyed. The heart because it is a very tough muscle would have fatal damage, but if the bullet hit the lungs they would be obliterated.
Given your...
A 308 is a great deer weapon. I have shot dozens of deer deer without any issues with 150-165 g.
I am not sure what you mean by aiming at the top of the shoulder? There is an area there where there are no vital organs. If you are shooting at ground level, just like bow hunting, the penetration...
If you don't want a NARGEAR wheeled version, they have many options without wheels. I like the wheeled version especially in airports as you can strap your rifle case to the top of it. Frees up your hands. My has made multiple airline trips and extended trips in the back of an open pick-up...
NARGEAR builds bags for folks who need bags & duffle's that will stand up to very harsh travel ... military, firefighters, smoke jumpers, etc.
I have this duffle, it has wheels and also shoulder straps.
Bodybag Wheels GEN2-122L