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  1. bozeman

    Would you buy property in a conservation easement?

    I was on the verge of purchasing some hunting land that was in a WRP program until I got the contract and saw all of the restrictions. Get a copy and read over it carefully. I called the Engineer who was responsible for said contract and walked thru it with him (great guy) and quickly...
  2. bozeman

    Thoughts on the importance of stretching

    VERY important as you get older...just my personal experience and opinion. Stretch, stretch more. :)
  3. bozeman

    Hypothetical question:

    Blue suit, brown shoes and matching belt. Light blue shirt and a tie with blue and hints of red/white in it. Subtle power look...........
  4. bozeman

    New Sitka drop

    Sitka Timber for hunting ducks, turkey, deer in AL, sub alpine when things 'green up' in the spring and for out west. Covers all I need.
  5. bozeman

    Sitka drama??

    I was thinking handles on the bottom of pants so you could roll them up easier. Would become the best pants in Canada.
  6. bozeman

    WTS Viam Madison tipi, Luxe stove combo. Budget hot tent setup.

    Yeah, I'd be interested in the Viam Madison without the stove.
  7. bozeman

    How much money after everything is paid for?

    If there was no rokslide classifieds, I'd have MUCH more at the end of each month!!!
  8. bozeman

    How much money after everything is paid for?

    Dont take the the post carefully and it speaks volumes: ie.....'be a little more miserable'....this means someone is miserable to begin with, which I am not. I have learned whether with abundance or with need to be content. Misery is a choice/attitude, it isnt forced upon us...
  9. bozeman

    Auto Tip On Deliveries

    I would cancel it. I got a screen asking for a tip at a cookie place where I pointed at a cookie and the person behind the counter handed it to me...........I was like, WHAT??? SMH.
  10. bozeman

    How much money after everything is paid for?

    10% tithe. The good Lord gives us health and talent, we are just temporary stewards. Just my .02.
  11. bozeman

    How much money after everything is paid for?

    I'd work at least 15% into savings/investments monthly as a line item not an 'if available' item.
  12. bozeman

    Christmas Holiday Trip- Mohawk Mountain Ski Resort in Connecticut (anyone been?)

    Planning a trip up through the northeast and hit ALL states with a stop at Mohawk Mountain for a couple days to snow tube. Anyone been there? Recommendations on places to stay? As far as vehicle, planning to drive. Have a 4X4 truck, do I need snow chains? Thanks all!
  13. bozeman

    Guys that drive a long ways to hunt, what are your less common(but important) pieces of gear/tools you're sure to keep in the truck?

    18 hour drive one way for me: -wiper fluid that won’t freeze up -electric chainsaw -tow strap (2 ft 2x4) -tire plug kit -small jump start for battery -small air compressor -stop every 2 hours and top off gas and do jumping jacks (keeps you...
  14. bozeman

    WTS $100 Kifaru Digital Gift Card- $90

    BUMP it up $85.
  15. bozeman

    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    The sky is falling.....amazing how people freak out when a slight correction happens. Its shares, keep shares, dont watch it each day. 10 years from now take a peek at it.