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  1. M

    I was wondering how your hunt went this year in Pine Valley. I have 5 points this year and was...

    I was wondering how your hunt went this year in Pine Valley. I have 5 points this year and was planning on trying Pine Valley. Any information would help Thannks
  2. M

    Natchez huge primer dump

    I must have mine set up wrong. I do t get text notifications
  3. M

    Why does my tikka Suck?

    The one thing I would try if you have the components is to try a know powder and bullet that typical shoots well in a 7mag. Not saying that it will always work but thats one thing I do if I am having a hard time getting copper to group. If you can get a berger or accubond to group then at least...
  4. M

    Chase points or hunt?

    Depends on how many out of state hunts that you can do a year and how many different animals you are putting in for. I started the points game roughly 5 years ago in a handful of states. I can do one long out of state trip or two shorter ones during the months of August/Oct. During Nov/Dec if I...
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    Montana or Wyoming to retire?

    in the same boat just a little longer time frame to get out. I am sure there are some California left wingers moving out of the state but for the most part, everyone I know that are leaving California are hard to the right. But it is sad to see how this movement if effecting places in the West...
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    2020 AZ Bull Hunt-Getting Bloody with Friends

    Thanks for the write up
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    Need some help

    The bear thing is not a 100% no. He would be 14 and by his age I was pretty much hunting alone. My grandpa and dad thought nothing I guess about me being gone all day or meeting up with them a certain spot. Just don’t know how comfortable I would be letting him roam on his own. I have not check...
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    Need some help

    After thanksgiving my dad and I decided that the next trip should be a Wyoming General elk hunt for him and my son. They should draw with 3.5 points. The plan has always been to get my kids and dad out as much as possible over the next 10 years and then focus on my hunts after that. My dad is 62...
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    Midway USA Review

    They have been good to me. Order a gun case that never showed up. Called and then sent one without any questions asked
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    The Last Hunt

    If I still had the legs it would be a high country buck or idaho Chukar hunt behind a great dog
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    Tacoma Upgrade

    Thanks for the advice. I use a truck like a truck. Not to many places that turn me around. Just use common sense. I have never worried about looks and what other people think. Had a Z71 before this for about 15 years and 200,000 miles. Never made upgrades just point it in the right direction...
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    Tacoma Upgrade

    Well my 2019 tacoma got hit last night in front of my house. Woke up to a messed up front bumper and no note. Good way to start off the day. Anyways I looks like I am going to be out a $1000. I can either get it fixed and have the same bumper put on or maybe make and upgrade to it. I am not...
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    Rifle for my 9 year old son

    7-08 is what I plan on getting my daughter when she is ready and gets a little bigger. The only reason my son got one new at such a young age was because he was left handed and needed a smaller lop because of his size. I also was a little over excited about buying him a gun. Looking back I...
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    Rifle for my 9 year old son

    The 6.5 creed is what my son shoots and has no problem with it. He was 10 and weighed about 60lbs. It was a prefect gun at the time and it will still get the job done but he is growing more and in time I think the 280ai would have been a better overall gun for him.
  15. M

    Pant recommendations from non hunting brands?

    Best pair of pants I had were carharts. The heavy duck ones. I need to find another couple pairs. They really held up to all the abuse I put them through. I using a pair from costco right now that have made it through the season in pretty good shape. They are stretchy and light weight. Only...
  16. M

    What the heck is everyone carrying

    For me it’s a few snacks, rope, knife, game bag and water. Maybe a puffy but most of the time I don’t. My fulcrum is strapped down And just use the guide lid. Still have room in the lid.
  17. M

    What the heck is everyone carrying

    Every time I watch a hunting show it seems that everyone’s pack is stuffed full during hunts. I could see packing in and out but during the hunt??? What the heck are these guys carrying in there??? Once I leave camp I am not carrying very much but the basics and can pretty much fit everything in...
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    Bring my 12 y/o nephew or go solo?

    Hopefully one day I will be doing the same. Mine are still 7 and under but I am sure they will have their day in the field with me and their cousins Great job. He will remember it for awhile
  19. M

    2 lost elk and conclusions.

    Shot placement and understanding bullet design and lots of practice are whats really important. With that said I am still looking for that prefect combo. I have the big boys, medium and little guys but still have not found a bullet that I can say I have faith in 100 precent of the time. The...