Search results

  1. M

    Catching Big Trout

    I caught two really nice browns this summer on a small creek. The best two fish that I have caught on this creek. Caught them both with in five minutes of each other. Two separate pools and my son and friend got to watch which was pretty cool. #3 gold blue fox. Still nothing close to the ten...
  2. M

    What Sleeping Bag?

    Who did you go through for your bag
  3. M

    Changing it Up

    Would like to possibly try Baja. Hoping for something that works with small groups. A;so would like to keep most of what we catch and bring home to the family. I have done the owens and most of the lakes and streams around that area. We will be up there this summer again but need something a...
  4. M

    Changing it Up

    I really need to get away and have an adventure of some type. I was thinking about some type of fishing trip. I live in California and have done lots of lakes/streams for trout and want to do something different. Looking for lots of action but in a relaxing atmosphere. Would prefer something for...
  5. M

    CO Early rifle wilderness deer help! What to do?

    Moving the dates back really hurt some of these early rifle hunts. I always had a plan to do one of these hunts but now just waiting and doing other hunts in different states. But there is something special about being above the treeline hunts bucks
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    New Mexico

    Thanks guys. Will be putting in tomorrow
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    No longer hunting?

    I am hoping that over the next few as the kids grow up and leave the stresses of being a dad will decrease and will get that fire back. My wife is great and is all for me going. I am hoping that the ages of 50-70 will be my hay day
  8. M

    New Mexico

    Figured since I am putting them in for some other hunts might as well add elk and take a swing for the fences. We should be hunting deer in Utah this year and maybe OTC Colorado. But maybe luck will be on their side.
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    New Mexico

    Just wondering what the typical terrain is for Unit 16C and 34. I am going to put my kids in for one of these units. I don't plan for them to draw, We have other hunts planned this year but maybe they will get lucky. Anyways I just wondering between the two which one is more open to glassing and...
  10. M

    No longer hunting?

    I still try and get out but life has been rough the last two years and have become really busy raising kids. I have not pulled the trigger on an animal in a year. The stress of life has taken a lot of that fire out. Now I still gets my kids out as much as possible and really enjoy helping them...
  11. M

    Need Advice: CO High Fence Meat Hunt - Cow Elk vs Buffalo?

    half a beef cost me $1200 this year I wasn't really impressed with the amount of meat or quality.
  12. M

    5 degree bag in 60 degree weather

    I am in the same boat. Going to start doing some winter hunting trips. Pretty much from what I have gathered is to get two bags and call it good. I am planning on doing the WM for winter and get a cheaper bag for warmer weather and upgrade down the road
  13. M

    Determining boot quality

    I like a leather boot on the taller side. Now with that I has a pair of Solomans I wore for a year that felt like tennis shoes. Great feel but trashed less than a year. They did send out a new pair under warranty that I have yet to break in .
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    Wyoming with 5points

    All depends on what value you place on animal size and hunting pressure. If they are not that important then any zones that required 3-4 pts last year will work.
  15. M

    How many points do I need for a decent hunt in WY?

    My group is sitting at roughly a 5pt average and will start looking at units. We have some youngs that we have been waiting on to go. But point creep is no joke and will not be slowing down anytime soon. We have to find a way to increase herds if the non resident as any chance moving forward...
  16. M

    How many points do I need for a decent hunt in WY?

    Are you willing to do the special or stay in the general.
  17. M

    Stop it. We don't need this anymore.

    Hunting pressure and getting tags these days is getting rough. I wish I started about 10 years before I did with out of state hunting. Now I am hoping that someday things will swing the other way. If it doesn't I feel for the younger kids trying to get a tag.
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    Little Pet Peeves

    There are a few of them that get under my skin 1. Not putting the shopping cart back 2. Cutting in line - both standing and driving 3. Not using turn outs 4. Being late 4. Ears tucked inside your hat
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    Little Pet Peeves

    They know. One of them was my son. He said he got excited and forgot. I wish I was a little more OCD about other things but its something about ammo boxes that get me
  20. M

    Little Pet Peeves

    Took a couple friends hunting this weekend and knocked over a few pigs. I supplied the guns and ammo and at the end of day was putting everything away and noticed I did not get all my brass back. Now I have ammo boxes with missing brass. I love seeing a clean ammo box completely full. I know 1st...