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    New Kilo6k HDX

    I’m pretty sure they were the HD, I messed with the compacts and x42s at TAC a few times.
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    New Kilo6k HDX

    Did you get 8s or 10s? I gotta know how the blueness ranks. Looking forward to your thoughts
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    Sold Platypus gravity works 6.0 L System

    New never used platypus 6 liter gravity works system $95 TYD add 3% for G&S
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    New Kilo6k HDX

    Has anyone messed with these? I’m really looking for a relatively simple 8x chest bino-RF. The previous 6ks I messed with fit the bill but I couldn’t look past the blue tint. I’m curious if the HDX glass has that corrected. I am pleased with Geovid-R image but they are chunkier and more...
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    Sub-$400 scope for deer

    I bought a Trijicon Huron when they were $300 awhile back, since then, they passed the drop tests here. The price has went back up. I haven’t tried any you have listed other than the Diamondback, I’d buy another Huron without thinking much about it unless I wanted the illumination from a credo...
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    Sig Zulu 6 - Image Stabilizing From A Boat..?

    I would think they’d do really well on a boat. The increased FOV of the 10s vs the 12s or 16s is really noticeable if you are using just one pair.
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    Sold SIG SAUER Zulu6 HDX 16x42, 10x30, and Harness

    I have had both of these binos since they came out. They’ve worked great for me but I want to sell these to get some of the newer 16x50s. They have been packed around a lot but they are in great condition. They don’t come with the marsupial tethers. One set will come with the harness. The...
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    Sitka Stratus

    this is a good point, i said oversized in my post, but an ambient or kenai type jacket in the same size fits well under the stratus or jetstream jacket. All my stuff is the same size, its all sized generously.
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    Sitka Stratus

    An oversized stratus set can get you pretty deep. My knock on all the Windstopper stuff is that it’s not very strechy or breathable. Itll seriously keep you dry in a decent rain but as expected the breathability matches that. I have had almost all the sets available and I just don’t prefer...
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    Weight Loss For Hunting in 2024

    I made it to 215 before my elk hunt. Performed much better being 40 pounds lighter. Didn’t kill one, but my physical abilities had nothing to do with my inability to get in bow range of a bull. I now want to be 185 next September, I am running a half marathon in January and im Shooting to be...
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    Sold Stone glacier solo 3600, x curve, lg belt foliage + accessories

    Bump broke out prices for accessories if someone wants to separate