Search results

  1. N

    6 Arc first Blood

    I’m intrigued with the 87 v max as a coyote round. I haven’t had a gas gun for years but this cartridge has twisted my arm
  2. N

    6.5x 284 Bullet selection

    I’ve had good results with the 147 in 6.5 prc. Berger 153.5 as well
  3. N

    What is holding you back from competitive shooting?

    I always thought the comps were more western geographically. After looking at the schedule for NRL hunter I was pleasantly surprised to see some events “local”. I’m definitely considering getting involved
  4. N

    New Guy

    longtime reader, first time poster. Nebraskan transplanted to Iowa. Whitetail/mule deer hunter. Archery, rifle, and maybe muzzleloader as well someday. Looking forward to participating and learning more!