Exactly.... bottom line is that any competition shooting makes you a better shooter... a better shooter makes you a better hunter from a shooting skills aspect...
I don't think people realize how many skills can be learned from a few matches until they do it, that's not even taking the...
I did a full 3 week, fly in float trip to ANWR via Fairbanks. Drove from Washington to Fairbanks, my own gear, raft ect... flew w/ Wright, Hunted moose and caribou, tagged out. That one was about $12.5K with a few nights hotel, gas, everything and was gone exactly 31 days.
My last couple...
To me, over rated is directly related to the price..... thee most over rated bourbon of all time is anything Pappy.... secondary market on a bottle of 15year is well over $1500, It is good, but nothing is worth that kind of cash.
This is the "Backcountry Stock" forum.... but this is the saw I carry while rafting, same concept I guess... lol
The Sven-Saw is bad ass...
I have no idea, but I'm in the same boat myself, have one that needs cleaned from fireplace smoke. Also know another guy who has one that was handed down from his step father and we were just talking about this last week.
I'll be reading 7003 Days while sitting in moose camp calling next week... It's about a couple who spent 21 years living and working in Frank Church wilderness.... looks promising as of right now.
It's still a paid when paid situation, but as posted, it's typically retainage (5% is normal).... but the risk goes WAY down when the project is public. The contractors I work with on a regular basis are solid and I don't hesitate to lien those who aren't.
The thing with this industry is it...