Here is a very nice Nosler M48 Custom rifle in 280 Ackley Improved. Very low 3 digit serial number, 24" Barrel, excellent condition except for a small safe scratch on the barrel. Impulse buy from the original owner, like my Forbes 280 better so this one is on the block.
Rifle will come with...
Looking at purchasing a 9mm practice laser cartridge with a builtin snap cap. My associate uses a LaserLyte LT-9 with good success. Just looking for other options / opinions before I buy this one.
Nice Kifaru Woodsman with a solid Hypalon Sleeve and all of the Straps and buckles. No damage, stains or smells. Comes with a small stash pocket inside.
$140.00 TYD net to me.
Or trade for Exo bag and lid....3200 or 1800