Search results

  1. G

    9mm for deer hunting?

    A well placed shot with a 9mm will get the the job done with the right bullet. Hornady has a handgun hunter line you should look into. The problem is just about any 9mm pistol you would want to carry concealed wouldn’t be a good choice for a hunting handgun. You’re typically talking about a gun...
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    WTS/WTT Badlands Algus Pants Size L

    Badlands Algus size large regular in excellent condition no stains or tears. No real visible signs of use barely used them as they are too big. $100 TYD CONUS or trade for same pants in size medium. Would also consider Kuiu pants in 34 Short or medium shirt etc.
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    WTS/WTT Big Agnes AXL Air Insulated Sleeping Pad

    More photos plus weight just pad and pad with stuff sack, patch kit and pump bag
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    WTS/WTT Big Agnes AXL Air Insulated Sleeping Pad

    20x72 BA AXL Air Insulated sleeping pad used once for two nights in a tent with a floor plus a footprint underneath. Lightweight and comfortable with decent insulation just want something wider. $90 TYD in the lower 48 PayPal preferred or trade for a similar 25” pad. Willing to add cash if...
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    One tent for Florida and the mountains?

    Thanks the Exped Mira looks like a solid option but only finding it available in the EU the Exped USA sight only has a heavier less expensive version. Gives me something to go by though. I figured I was over complicating. Your suggestion looks like a light sturdy version of what I’ve always used.
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    One tent for Florida and the mountains?

    I live in North Florida and am trying to determine if it’s feasible to get a tent that will be usable both at home and for elk and bear hunting out west. Likely states are CO, UT, and WY. Would also want to use it for summer trips to the Smokies. It needs to sleep me and my son comfortably. I’m...
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    Red Dot mount for Win SX4?

    .670 I filtered by gun model and there was an option for the SXP so I went with that. Mine was already drilled and tapped from the factory. You might be able to get it mounted lower with another option if you have to drill and tap anyway.
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    6.8 Western issue rifle or ammo?

    Thanks that’s what I needed to hear. Just got off the phone with CS rep for Christensen he said send it back too.
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    6.8 Western issue rifle or ammo?

    Yes after I fire. No signs of pressure issue I can see. I had a couple of guys who reload look at the spent cases and said they look normal.
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    6.8 Western issue rifle or ammo?

    Just got a Christensen Ridgeline FFT and am having sporadic issues with the bolt being really hard to open. Sometimes it’s to the point that I have to stand up and really get leverage on the bolt to open it. Seems to mainly be happening with the 162 gr copper impact but I did shoot 3 rounds of...
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    Christensen arms actual weight

    I have the 6.8W and it comes in at 6lbs 13oz with a Vortex LHT 3-18 and Talley one piece medium rings
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    Sold Lowa Renegade GTX

    Price drop $165 shipped
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    Sold NEW Black Eagle Rampage Custom Arrows

    What straightness .001 or .003?
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    Sold Crispi Colorado 10.5 NWT

    last call on these initiating return tomorrow if no takers
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    Sold Crispi Colorado 10.5 NWT

    Brand new only tried on indoors bought from clearance sale and just don’t fit right. Looking to trade for Crispi Wyoming 10.5 in similar condition. If not I’m willing to sell here and pass the savings along. Looking to net $275 back to me otherwise I’ll just return them.
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    Sold Lowa Renegade GTX

    Would consider trade for sleeping bag