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  1. Hondo0925

    CWD Field and Stream Article?
  2. Hondo0925

    2024 New Mexico Draw Results

    RED. 😢
  3. Hondo0925

    2024 CO Goat and Sheep Draw

    Just points here!!! Maybe one day I’ll hunt Goats in Co
  4. Hondo0925

    Aging a Broomed Ram in the Rain

    8yrs old and not quite 160.
  5. Hondo0925

    Idaho Wolves, the story no one is talking about.

    Definitely not as effective as real traps but I catch more foxes than bobcats every year in cages.
  6. Hondo0925

    Idaho Wolves, the story no one is talking about.

    I feel bad for these agency's, What a slap in the face!
  7. Hondo0925

    Idaho Wolves, the story no one is talking about.

    This is insane. I would love to know how many bears are actually caught in wolf traps. And of those bears how many are killed. Probably not many.
  8. Hondo0925

    Kifaru Fulcrum, or Dall, or Exo K4 7200 for 35-day self-sustained expedition.

    I think either bag would be great for this. But heck with the packs I want to know more about this trip!
  9. Hondo0925

    SWFA, what’s the deal?

    You guys have more patience than I. I would’ve given up on this company long ago
  10. Hondo0925

    CO Firearms Discussion - Help Needed!

    This guy explains it well. This state is becoming a real drag. My great grandparents that homesteaded here are rolling over in their graves.
  11. Hondo0925

    Trapping catches

    Last catch of the season for me. Hope this isn’t the last one I ever get to catch
  12. Hondo0925

    Trapping catches

    That’s awesome! What a good way to end the season
  13. Hondo0925

    Great podcast Everyone please listen to this. Hopefully you find it as impactful as I did
  14. Hondo0925

    CO CPW Commission Disaster

    Thanks for posting this I just emailed every one of them
  15. Hondo0925

    Toughest hunt of your life?

    Colorado Mt Lion. Up at 1am, found the track by 10am, killed by 2pm, and back at the truck by 6pm. One granola bar, Copenhagen, and coffee fueled the body!!! At one point i sat down during the pack out and thought I may never stand back up. I would do it again tomorrow!
  16. Hondo0925

    Photography- one photo a day

    Southern New Mexico
  17. Hondo0925

    Muzzleloader in the Backcountry?

    I’ve been going on backcountry muzzleloader hunts here in Colorado for the past 20 years and unless the weather looks a little sketchy (rain/snow) I load the day I leave or when I get to my camp. The only time I have ever had an issue was last year in New Mexico. It rained for 3 days straight...
  18. Hondo0925

    Anybody relate to this?

    Nailed it
  19. Hondo0925

    Vote for who has the best pack in 2023.

    I just bought an Exo this year but SO would be high on my list as well
  20. Hondo0925

    Trapping catches

    Finally connected with a Tom