So sorry about that. I had an issue recently where all my links go broken and had to work with the support team to fix them. I just went in and fixed the spreadsheets so they can be downloaded. As I mention on the website, PLEASE do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions, need...
The simple truth is you can find instances of every single diet, good or bad, where individuals are "doing well". That by no means indicates the diet is ideal for the human body. Donald Watson was one of the earliest vegans (mid 40's) who continued that lifestyle for approximately 60 years. He...
Thanks ironic, someone with no education on a subject attacking someone with a degree in what is being discussed. Welcome to the internet. More ironic, I was a personal trainer for years and helped LOTS of people get into the best shapes of their lives on exactly what I am discussing. Did you...
Sorry, but that isn't correct. The keto diet is specifically based on a macronutrient breakdown of 75% Fat, 20% Protein and 5% Carbs. The simply fact is that keeping your carbohydrate intake below 30% for an extended period of time can be harmful to your body over the long term. Also, putting it...
Restricting your carbohydrate intake down to 5% is completely unnecessary and very restrictive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carbohydrates in general, simply certain types of carbohydrates people should avoid. Things like fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are incredibly good...
Hope it's ok to throw this out there, but I started a fitness and nutrition blog geared specifically for hunters. I would advise you stay away from Keto, Atkins, South Beach or any other crazy restrictive diet. What others have said is more or less correct, its completely a numbers game. Less...
I'm glad you posted. I had never heard of Big Sky tents until I looked them up after you mentioned it. Now I have another option in the running. Really like what I see!
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Damn, in searching for Big Sky reviews I also found Tarptent. Really struggling now that I narrowed it...
Yup. I was running the Copper Spur UL2 for a long time. Recently sold it so I could upgrade to either a better tent or a lighter tent. I feel like the Copper Spur would cover me 98% of the time since I am pretty unlikely to face heavy snowfall on a hunt in AZ.
I live in Arizona and have been using a Big Agnes Copper Spur UL2 for quite a few years. I recently sold it and plan to pick up something new. I am currently torn between the Stone Glacier Skyscraper 2 at 4lbs 4oz, or the Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL2 mtnGLO (much lighter than my old tent). I...
I have two headlamps that are my hardcore go to's, both Petzl. The Petzl Nao+ is a reactive headlamp, so it auto dims if needed. I can also program it on my phone, which is awesome. My other is the E+Lite (older version). I saw Aron talking about it on a podcast, and immediately went out and...
I have a brand new, unworn Sitka Kelvin Vest from 2017 I am looking to sell. Soon after buying it I opted to go for a jacket with sleeves. I did take the tags off, but have never worn it aside from trying it on for fit. Note this is not the Kelvin Lite. Looking for $115 shipped.
This might be a stretch, but I thought maybe you guys could help. A while back I saw a crazy video of a hunter in a field with the tree line in the background. He was doing a spot and stalk bear hunt, and the bear was maybe 20-30 yards in front of him. He takes the shot at the bear, and it...
I figured I would chime in as someone else may have the same issue. It is almost certainly an issue with your glutes being weak causing poor posture. Overall, strengthening your glutes should help, but you will want to focus on your deep core muscles as well. More than likely the load is causing...
I would STRONGLY recommend you check out The #1 Six Pack Abs and Muscle Building Workout Program | Get 6 Pack Abs. The founder of the website is a Sports Physical Therapist, and his exercises are based heavily around muscle and strength buidling, but they also focus heavily on correcting...
I'm right there with you too. LOVE soda for some reason. I decided this was the year and just told myself to man the F up and stop drinking the crap. So far so good. I've gone over 30 days without one so far. What's the longest you have made it? Once most people get passed 2 weeks the cravings...
The answer here is actually pretty complicated, and really it is dependent on what your desired result is. If you are truly working to improve your hunting capacity and make your trips more comfortable, you are better off using a weighted pack and following a training protocol that increases...