Also- For $1775.00 I will include the Outdoorsman Digiscope adapter body as well as the ring for the ATX.
Paypal Gift... I will ship insured on my dime...
$1700.00 is lowest I will go otherwise I will give it to my son. Every 13 year old should start his hunting career with Swaro glass. :)
I guess that would allow me to sell some lightly used Vortex stuff he using now...
Read an article in the Wall Street Journal a year or two ago about Yeti coolers. They referred to a Yeti cooler as Redneck Rolex. Had no idea there was so much Yeti envy out there.
I think it really is a very good product. As we replace our existing coolers we just get a similar size Yeti...
I think I would look at one of those tents for your truck bed or try and find a used truck top (Craigslist or other...) and camp right in the bed of the truck. Add a buddy heater and you are good with what you already have... Heck- you could even take a little Honda and have electric heat...
I was going through 2-3 high end IgLoo/Coleman type coolers a year. I want to say those coolers would run 60-90 bucks each... My Yetis weren't expensive if you figure they don't break and the ice lasts a whole lot longer...
I have to look but I believe I have the series 2- 4 section- which is plenty tall for me (6'3") to use standing up to glass. It is rated for 39 plus pounds. I bought it sight unseen. Was blown away when I got it. The quality is very very high.
Big fan of cf. It is louder but the benefits out weigh that negative for me. Yama Mountain makes some really nice stuff- in both sil-nylon and cuben fiber. I am really pleased with the quality!
3 legged hobbles if the two legs are not keeping them close...
I have one that can move like a jack rabbit with his front legs hobbled. Put a three legged hobble on him and he just stands there...
My suggestion- Look at what temps you think you will see. Then get a bag rated 20 degrees cooler. Very easy to vent and this gives you a very nice margin of comfort.
As I have thought more about the transmitting cameras it occurred to me that what is to keep someone from starting a service that does nothing but alert clients when a good bull is in a certain area? Or, what is to keep a hunter from having a friend/family member... set cameras and monitor them...