It's a toss up as you can tell by the responses so far, heavier insert is probably stronger than light one and heavier heads are probably tougher than lighter ones. Unless you're hunting something really tough like hogs, shoot what you want. Just get them sharp and touch them up as needed.
Practice from both ways, ghillie suit is a whole lot of opportunities to get stuff caught in the string during a shot which will throw your shot off, treestand is fairly straight forward, but if you cant your bow, limb clearance is a new worry that you didn't have to think about with a compound!
So, assuming you have a tuned setup, it's possible you may need to anchor a little different. If you watch the barebow and Olympic shooters, they almost all have tape on their noses, they get the string right up there to the left of the center of their right eye. If you don't do this, you will...
I've done it at ten yards with good results, but that was indoors with an EFOC arrow. I'd really like to try it at a longer yardage, just haven't been in the right place to try it, definitely wouldn't want to try with a cross wind! I've seen it done successfully in a video with EFOC arrows is...
Getting to hang out with Tom Clum and the gang at rmsgear over the years, I've seen that scenario play out more than once, seen it with Tom himself when me and him went through a level 1 instructor course years ago, think he gained 1.5" draw length, I'm pretty sure that was the catalyst that...
Depending on what kind of release you used with your compound and your form, there really shouldn't be much if any difference in your draw length, unless you over bow yourself or under total bow length and design yourself to the point you can't get in full extension/alignment because the bow is...
Somebody makes an arrow extension that's about 6ish inches long, whatever point you use goes in the front end of it and at the back end there's wire loops that can take out the wings if the arrow is just close and the head isn't on target. I used to have one, but it's disappeared so I can't give...
If you are on Facebook, you should put this on the Toelke Fan Page, they let people advertise bows on there, you just have to include a piece of paper in one of the pictures of the bow that has your Facebook name and the date written on it, that keeps scammers from hijacking other people's adds...
I have been wearing Kayland for quite a few years, bought a bunch of pairs on clearance sales when they quit distributing them in the US, all had eVent, my feet stayed dry till the boots wore out! Of course my feet would eventually get wet if I got soaked enough for moisture to wick in from...
If you walked into rmsgear tomorrow, they would have you shoot bare shafts of various lengths and point weight etc and watch over your shoulder standing on a step ladder and watch how the arrow comes off the bow till you're shooting lasers. You can do the same with slow mo video. Once you get...
You did about everything you could, good idea to check dynamic spines too! I'd think you would be ok as long as the lengths are comparable, but don't automatically assume that they will finish out at the exact same length, you will need to tune from full length
How long have you had it? Some people's strings do that when they are brand new and they eventually settle out and stop creeping. Other people pre-stretch their strings and they settle out a lot quicker! If you have had the string for a while and it's still creeping that much, get a new string!