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  1. David Gough

    Nevada draw questions

    Same, same. A lot of Nevada residents don't hunt out of state, so some people are losing their minds right now.
  2. David Gough

    Nevada draw questions

    Friday. They audit the draw results and then get prepared to upload results.
  3. David Gough

    Nevada draw questions

  4. David Gough

    Central NV FNG

    Welcome from another Nevadan. Are you more of an Arc Dome or Table Mountain guy?
  5. David Gough

    Nevada draw questions

    I've drawn at least one tag every year. I like Nevada's system more than most.
  6. David Gough

    Nevada draw questions

    Yes, or have more luck than most.
  7. David Gough

    Nevada draw questions

    Any choice for all applicants will use your bonus points. Non-resident pool.
  8. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    Heading up on the 19th/20th. Chomping at the bit.
  9. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear Video

    I wonder what the euro mount looks like
  10. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    All good reasons. Either bear have fat on them?
  11. David Gough

    Idaho Spring Bear

    How did you enjoy your first spring bear hunt?
  12. David Gough

    A Southern California Booner black bear with a bow

    It would be bananas!
  13. David Gough

    A Southern California Booner black bear with a bow

    You're going to accuse him of poaching and then ask to be his hunting partner?
  14. David Gough

    Once We Were Wolves

    Cool color phase on the bear. I think the video demonstrates how spot and stalk bear can be a lot of the time. Usually boring, then it gets exciting really quick.
  15. David Gough

    Nevada Mule Deer Migrations?

    Yes, deer coming out of the Ruby Mountain and Jarbidge Wilderness area have quite the migration.
  16. David Gough


    That's the story of our life in Nevada. Our mule deer herd is sad.
  17. David Gough

    2023-2024 Pintail Season

    The pintail season was nearly closed for the upcoming waterfowl season across the US. 30,000 birds made the difference:
  18. David Gough

    How Much PTO Do You Have?

    Tax CPA here. Dad and I have a small practice together. We work our asses off February - April, late August - mid September, and first half of October. We take time off as much as we really need outside of those dates.
  19. David Gough

    Nevada hunting

    Area 22, Area 11, 231, etc. I have some friends who kill big desert bucks closer to Vegas. I would personally pick up a California bear tag. Long season and about as far as a drive as Ely.
  20. David Gough

    Nevada 4 points.

    I turned the late tag in last year. Lots of rifle tags and the deer are struggling. Send me a PM.