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  1. H

    Pine borer

    Can anyone tell if all of dead or dying trees in Colorado have an effect on the elk. I was thinking that the dead stands of pines would now be to warm without the shade. We are hunting a new area this year. Should this be a concern of mine? Any thoughts would be nice. Thanks Hawker
  2. H

    How far do you practice at?

    I'm with most of you guys. 3-50yrds unless I'm stump shooting than I'll go out further. When I shoot 3ds I will shoot for the pro stake. When hunting I hope my shots are at 17 yrds.
  3. H

    What's your hunting arrow weight?

    Thanks Elknut. I'll. Have to put my bow on a scale to see what my poundage really is.
  4. H

    What's your hunting arrow weight?

    My finished arrow is 540 grans. Is that enough for elk? 60lbs and 190 fps. I also have 18% foc. I think this should do it.
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    Night time coyotes

    Yeah it's a challenge. I put my light on a my tripod with the video camera. I've only had a few shots and missed.
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    My Wife Just Gave Me...

    Way to go Mrs. Franklinmankin. I can't wait to borrow that from u.
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    Thoughts about fires?

    How do you feel about having fires in the high country. I'm thinking about the possibility of spooking critters. Do any of you think that the smell of smoke sends critters running for the next mountain?
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    Rokslide Anonymous

    What you need to be doing is and going over maps. Not Playing on your computer. Oh my the way you are in for serious miles this year in co. Failure is not an option. Suffer
  9. H

    Night time coyotes

    Have any of you guys got any predators at night with red lights and a bow?
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    Hunt Locations

    Hey if you find any seceret hunting spots let me know. :-)
  11. H

    Swinging both ways?

    I shoot both and I prefer to hunt with the trad gear. It seems that the limitations of the trad gear keeps me in the woods longer. That's what it's about for me. I also enjoy the simplicity of a longbow. Then sometimes a fella has to grab the nail driver and just get it done.
  12. H

    Longest Trad Kill.. ?

    Whitetail 53 yards Cottontail 61 yards 52lbs Dwyer longbow for both shots.
  13. H

    Swinging both ways?

    Does anyone shoot both traditional bows and compounds? Which one do you feel is the best for your hunting style and why.