I tell you what txhunter, You do the worrying, I'll carry on as usual.
If I get it ( if i havent already), then so be it.
But I will Live until I Die.
Carry on with your hysteria, I'm sure that will help make things better.
Better yet, just stay home.
And sometimes they dont have the vehicle you rented. Flew out to NM once and had reserved a 4wd truck online prior to the flight, ended up with a Nissan Morano.
Took that sucker through the mtns/desert like it was the truck I wanted. Rolled a tire
off the rim and ripped off the plastic skid...
Co-worker, same age as me tested positive this week. Nothing more than a cold.
The longer this thing goes on, the more emphatic I become for NOT getting the
Y'all go ahead. I wont be offended.