I'm sure the weather is helping. Good luck! My son will be out for the last 2 weeks. Will be packing in to get away from all the people. Hopefully he'll be into good action. I did see an absolute slammer with cows in the unit, but on private surrounded by private so I don't think he has any...
This guy bugled just enough to end up dead. He also had a friend in the next draw that liked to say where he was at, but I was solo so he lived.
Shot him Aug. 31st ID.
What a silly statement. It is certainly OK for a state agency to charge Non residents whatever they need to, or want to, for benefit the residents of that state. Keeping the cost of hunting low and providing the best hunting experience in the west like WY does! If you think the wildlife of a...
Moved away from WA to WY this year after living there for 7 years. Never hunted a day in WA in all those years and will just let my points go. Total waste of time, literally. Too many better options to spend any days hunting there.
"Set an even price that fully funds what’s needed to maintain and protect the resource."
So you would rather have all the tags cost $1350 rather than 60% cost $700 and 40% costing $2000? Hmmm...
If you want a cheap tag move to WY. The tags are more than cheap if you're a resident. If you want...
WY did not change the price of a regular tag so no one was priced out of anything in comparison to previous years. They only changed the price of the special tag. The intent of the special tag was to provide a better opportunity at tags for those willing to pay more, which in turn helps fund the...
I'm just glad I will never be in the NR WY draw again after this year! :) They can keep my 2 elk points. Now I just have to figure out what to use my 14 deer points on before they disappear.
Me too! I bought about 40 when they stopped making them. I have since switched to a hybrid gravedigger, but still have the RazorTricks for states that don't allow mechanicals.
I only have 5, but like others a garage full of 280 6 points :)
Now that I live in WY they should pile up fast. If you can't kill a 300" bull as a WY resident, you're not putting out a lot of effort.
Of course it's a miss if you hit an elk in the should and most likely won't end well, but...
I shot this bull a few years ago at 60 yards. Hit him right in the middle of the wide part of the scapula. Blew a quarter sized hole thru the bone and the arrow was a full pass thru. He never knew what...
For NR tags the price should be set by the market demand like everything else. For resident tags the price should be set to a minimum amount offset by whatever they can get from the NRs. NR tags are a luxury! If you want a cheap elk tag in WY or any other state then move there like I did. It...
The funny part is going to be seeing all the guys putting in special thinking there will be improved odds, only to find out they could have drawn the same tag, with the same points in the regular. Too many guys with points, and too few tags for there to be any significant change in odds with the...
Unless you apply in the new East zone, the the num
Not a chance that min. points to draw in West or South are going to go down. Simple math. Just too many 4-7 point holders that realize a general tag is as good as they are ever going to draw. Maybe 25% of the guys drop out of the special, but...