Looking to outfit my foliage scout. Need a water bottle pocket, medium belt pouches, maybe mini pouches or an organizer. Hopefully someone has some kicking around. Thanks
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They are closed down right now, thought I’d see if anyone had some kicking around they wanted to get rid of before ordering new.
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I’m not sure what gun you have but in my cva optima pistol you have to pour the powder slowly and then tap the side of the barrel to get the powder into the recessed breech plug. After I figured that out I haven’t had a single failure to fire, and definitely use the magnum primers.
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Unfortunately where I live no one sells the knight so I can’t put my hands on one, I have an encore with the Katahdin barrel but really think the bolt action feel of the knight would be more like my deer rifle.
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I’m hunting in the East so there are virtually no restrictions, but I do cover a lot of ground so I want something relatively light.
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