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  1. 204guy

    Unfollowing Hunting Social Media Will Make Hunting Better: Matt Rinella Essay

    I think the motive of doing it for monetary gain and the lengths gone too is a big part of the strife. It's also a never ending one-up manshipto to out do competing influencers. Maybe not when forums first started but currently there is a pretty high level of self policing that occurs here...
  2. 204guy

    Unfollowing Hunting Social Media Will Make Hunting Better: Matt Rinella Essay

    Probably a poor analogy but hey, actress [ˈaktrəs] NOUN a woman whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television If all hunters where actresses its like comparing a Hallmark actress to an adult film star. They're both attractive women using their body in some capacity to...
  3. 204guy

    things NOT to take on a guided hunt

    If I was to go again I would pack exactly as I would if going solo. Most guides are not gear guys. I'm an unabashed gear guy and find some enjoyment out of using good gear. It's no fun knowing you have a superior piece of gear sitting at home vs what you're using provided by your guide or...
  4. 204guy

    Wyoming Corner Crossing defense fund

    I'm no attorney but wouldnt these tickets not being challenged set a precedence. I dont know what the public land user has to lose. Keeping it in a grey area where you might get a ticket or not depending on what county you're in, who the DA is, whether you went to high school with the sheriff...
  5. 204guy

    Wyoming corner crossing lawsuit

    I appreciate the optimism but I don't share it. Reasonable would be this is a non issue. We're here because most landowners that have corner locked pieces are a lot closer to EM than the other end of the spectrum. Many feel this way because it was sold to them as such. It's not settled law...
  6. 204guy

    Wyoming corner crossing lawsuit

    That's some pretty twisted logic. In a checkerboard situation if the 2 private corners are owned by different entities can 1 sue the other because they allowed access to the public and now his private property is worth less because the public has access?
  7. 204guy


    I'll take em. Pm sent.
  8. 204guy

    TIKKA T3X lite SS in 6.5 prc..yes or no?

    I haven't followed the ammo shortage for awhile but the 6.5 prc was probably the hardest hit. I'd have ammo to shoot before I bought a rifle.
  9. 204guy

    6.5 conversion question for you gun guys

    A rem factory mtn rifle isn't worth 2.5X what it sold for new. If it's a Ti different story but still not 2.5x. If you alter it, what value it's gained will be lost. I'm not going to look at reamer specs, but you could probably rechamber existing barrel to 6.5x284 with out changing bolt...
  10. 204guy


    Was able to get my dad and wife on a deer first morning of hunting about an hr apart. With 70 mph winds forecasted for the next day we felt fortunate to be done. Came back later for my own deer hunt. Had to hunt much harder than normal to locate a mature deer that wasn't crab clawed. Overall...
  11. 204guy

    Sold Kimber Montana 270 WSM

    There's one listed in 24hrcampfire classifieds.
  12. 204guy

    Wyoming Corner Crossing defense fund

    You can see the survey pin in the original post.
  13. 204guy

    Wyoming Corner Crossing defense fund

    Read Bob's posts. The game warden didn't write a ticket.
  14. 204guy

    Wyoming Corner Crossing defense fund

    Curious does this go to a jury trial or does a single judge decide? The chain that violates the public lands air space could get interesting if that's going to be the private land crux.
  15. 204guy

    2 lost elk and conclusions.

  16. 204guy

    2 lost elk and conclusions.

    Guys are reacting because you're making ridiculous statements as indisputable fact. The incredible irony or your posts is had your friends been shooting a softer bullet, something that you'd likely consider only suitable for coyotes like a berger or eld. An argument could be made those elk...
  17. 204guy

    OSHA has officially released their ETS for Covid

    Typical gov't incompetence. The date to start is past by the time they issue the edict.
  18. 204guy

    OSHA has officially released their ETS for Covid

    I think this is a pretty valid point. I think as Americans we take A LOT for granted. We look at other places and think, that's over there, never happen here. This is certainly a wake up call for me, and it doesn't even directly affect me yet. It probably will my wife though. I'm just a...
  19. 204guy

    OSHA has officially released their ETS for Covid

    What's the point in arguing with Newt? He's nothing more than a common troll at this point who's getting his jollies off getting you guys fired up.
  20. 204guy

    OSHA has officially released their ETS for Covid

    Not too surprised by this. Also not surprised by Buzz gloating at people's hardships. But then communists have never had trouble finding useful idiots. Make sure and donate to BHA.