"A lot of friends from the lower 48 said that they wanted to come up and hunt with me in 2018 so once the trip was planned I went down the list and invited all of them."
Hmm..... :D
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Couldn't you just get 10" wide metal that usually makes 2 3/8" diameter pipes and just roll it tighter and use smaller rings to hold it? Seems easy enough. Titanium Goat sells the 10" foil
Gotcha. I'm no pro by any means and I've never sold a shot...though some say I should. I was just offering a suggestion that probably I shouldn't have without knowing you. I see so many shots here an elsewhere that with just a little tweak can go from "nice" to "fantastic". But, that makes...
Nah, that was back in February. Actually a lot less snow than I expected for that time of year. I'm just so backlogged on my photos that I'm just now going through some older stuff.
Actually, now I'm thinking about changing my messages to:
1) My knees hurt. I'm too old for this $@#%!
2) My knees and my body hurts. I'm too old for this $#@$!
3) I give up. Go on without me. Let me die in pain...
Yeah, probably is 160 characters. I was just going off my faulty memory.
Also, for 1 & 2 I now think I actually even phrased it to be something like "Starting here for eh day. Also a Yes or Positive response to a question" This just made it easy to respond other "typical" messages we get...
I set mine up to have multiple uses. I don't have them off hand but it's something like:
1) Starting here for the day. Also a Yes to a question
2) Ending here for the day. Also a No to a question
3) Just checking in, everything is fine. Remember that messages are not free so maximize a...