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I built a clone ish mk12 specifically for precision gas gun.
I shoot mainly just normal m855 62grain green tip
Or cheap AAC 55gr FMJ
Got a some good 77gr Black Hills SMK ammo for when I want more accuracy
Hunted in one of the unlimiteds in 22. Bear sign and trails everywhere we went. We actually ended up using bear trails for travel some of the time. I wake up most nights in the middle of the night, the one night I wake up and feel complete serenity peace on earth, I pass back out. We wake up to...
Lost one of my best buddies from the service last year. Completely unexpected. We hadn’t talked in a couple years and it was because I always thought he had his shit together and I felt like I didn’t. Moral of the story is, you truly never know what’s going on in someone’s head. The simplest...
‘The wilderness hunter’ brought me back into rifle hunting from the bow some years back.
On a totally different view of some of Teddy Roosevelts awesome accomplishments.
Check out Dan Carlin’s hardcore history episode of Teddy and how his rough riders came about. Might piss a lot of people...
I’m just glad Cam hates the government about as much as I do from what I gathered lol
The predator introduction long playing into gun control makes sense to me.
Wife and I were toying around the idea about living in Florida who knows if she’s serious or not.
Not exactly my Wyoming dream cabin, but I started thinking, the only places I like to hunt around in PA are the jungly swampy spots for Bucks.
Kinda got me going down the rabbit hole about...
Warren County PA
Saw one that had a single side maybe 2 weeks ago
Daughter saw one this morning that still had both sides.
Probably dropping as we speak. Maybe next big cold front.
I feel like in a cold front maybe it would help conserve energy a good bit. Idk, makes sense in my head lol.
I’m guna say adventure but I hardly punch tags lol.
When I do it’s epic but the percentage and money spent to get to the tag punching is crazy.
I like to just jump into the deep end and see what happens. Leads to cool memories but hardly any animals killed. I feel like im on the cusp of...
Been playing the game for like 5-6 years. Just starting to really figure out what works for me.
The only time I’ve truly felt like damn this rifle is heavy, was when going to where the sheep live. Only time.
My .308 as a 12 1/2 lb rifle made ragged hole groups.
The .308 in a lightweight...