Search results

  1. Gapmaster

    Perfect pack for elk

    There’s about 1,000 threads about packs on RS. Search and read through the history. I completely agree with the guys that have mentioned that 10 days is a huge undertaking on your first pack hunt. May want to second think that IMO. But as far as a pack goes, everyone is different, every pack...
  2. Gapmaster

    Elk in heavy recreational traffic areas

    Let me throw a hypothetical scenario out there and see what the group thinks. So if you were in a unit that had really good elk numbers, but it was over run with recreational activities, how are you hunting it? Let’s add that there’s not many places where a guy could go 1.5-2 miles without...
  3. Gapmaster

    Day hunting out of the truck?

    Very, very good advice. As a NR I have always tried to be prepared for the altitude, but nothing can prepare you honestly. Personally I acclimate very quickly but I know others who don’t. The elk are where you find them. It may take 1 day or 5 to find the spot. More time is the key. Give...
  4. Gapmaster

    Sleep pad help

    So I’m thinking of trying a new pad. I’ve been hiking/hunting out of a pack for years and the older I get the more I want comfort at night versus lightweight comfort during the day. I’m 6’1” 220 pounds. Looking for a pad I can sleep on in any position comfortably. I currently am running a...
  5. Gapmaster

    Day hunting out of the truck?

    I wouldn’t try anything but a truck camp on your first hunt. If you’ve never experienced the mountains, then you may need a little wake up call before you invest on equipment that’s needed for backpack hunting. Camp comfortably, enjoy the experience, you’ll learn quickly what you do and don’t...
  6. Gapmaster

    Colorado Draw odds question specific to one unit.

    Well if I blasted out my question to everyone it could completely defeat the purpose of my question. 😂 ya I know… confusing. I prefer not make any public posts about my question.
  7. Gapmaster

    Colorado Draw odds question specific to one unit.

    Very unit specific, that’s why I was so vague on my original post.
  8. Gapmaster

    Colorado Draw odds question specific to one unit.

    Good morning guys, I have a very specific question for one unit in particular. Elk question. I’m experienced and not asking questions about where the elk are. I’m having a hard time understanding an odds situation and haven’t been able to get a game warden on the phone. CPW office also couldn’t...
  9. Gapmaster

    When Do You Leave?

    Leave out 9/8. Have 3 weeks to get it done. Going solo for the first time in quite a few years. Good luck to everyone.
  10. Gapmaster

    A Request for All the Elk Hunting YouTubers...

    I would be happy if there weren’t any more elk hunting videos period… the mountains were way less crowded before everyone watched a YouTube video and thought “I can do that too!”
  11. Gapmaster

    Elk Hunting in NM

    I’ve hunted North of Cuba years ago, not sure on your unit, but there’s elk in all those units. It can be tough due to the road access and the poachers were an issue then. It’s not always how far off the road you are as it is where you are. I know that doesn’t help a newbie much, but it is what...
  12. Gapmaster

    Top down tactics

    There’s nothing “unrealistic” about calling from any where in my opinion. I’ve seen/heard elk at places I never expected at all times of the day. I personally call sparingly. Every guy on the mountain seems to want blow their trumpet non stop anymore. Quite, suttle stuff is my bread and butter.
  13. Gapmaster

    Top down tactics

    Don’t camp in the same drainage as the elk if possible. I like to camp high for obvious reasons but just over the ridge from where I’m mainly hunting. But… elk move so you always run some risk if you’re camping too close to your hunting area. Practice good camp habits, (noise and scent control...
  14. Gapmaster

    When was your first year hunting OTC Elk in Colorado?

    1997, only missed 3-4 yrs since. 2 years of rifle. The rest has been with archery. Hope I have another 20+ yrs left in me. Mountains seem steeper than they used to be.
  15. Gapmaster

    CPW Commission is proposing ALL DRAW for elk

    I like everyone else on this thread know things need to change, it has gotten ridiculous to say the least in some units. I just hate to see it. I started elk hunting when my father took me for the first time at 15. We went every year there after for 25 years to archery OTC units. I remember his...
  16. Gapmaster

    CPW Commission is proposing ALL DRAW for elk

    This was likely already asked and apologize if it was, I just scanned the thread after a few pages. What is you all’s consensus on point creep if CO goes all draw? I’m guessing a big jump for a couple years??
  17. Gapmaster

    OnX/GoHunt maps error?

    Haven’t located any. Been all over the area for several years on and off. My gut says the mapping systems are wrong. But just want to verify.
  18. Gapmaster

    OnX/GoHunt maps error?

    I won a lifetime elite membership with OnX several years ago and I run it religiously in the backcountry. I’ve very rarely found discrepancies with private/govt land boundaries. However, I have come upon a location where I’m confused. I’ve found an area, which I know is bordering private land...
  19. Gapmaster

    Colorado road/trail info.

    Check out the Colorado MVU maps. You can download them for any region. Find the area you are looking for, write down the road numbers and call the local NFS office. They are usually very helpful, if they don't know they will get back to you with the information. I do this when I'm in an area i'm...
  20. Gapmaster

    Quilt modification

    I also posted this in the DIY forum. To those of you who have sewn your own quilts. I currently have a CRO quilt and love it but I wish it were 3-4” wider at the shoulders. It is a long/wide. I’m a side sleeper with fairly broad shoulders and drafts are an issue especially on sub 30 nights. I...