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  1. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Where is the "Blissful Wilderness Experience" in going through hell with corona-virus dance........ just to get to Alaska, and spending (5) "FIVE" days on a flying hunt that you can't hunt he same day airborne. With many apparently having hellish nightmares with transporters. Now going in for...
  2. S

    Unit 23 reports

    That is "NOT" my point even remotely. When I read through this thread I read a lot of sad stories, a lot of frustration and anguish. I read about hunts that were largely nightmares, I don't read much about members have "Dream" wilderness experiences.
  3. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    What is the driving motivation, to spend a lot of money, and have a "NOT" blissful wilderness experience, if all you get is "ONE" caribou........??? To turn this around.......try to imagine, if I discovered that recently lots and lots and lots of long time Alaskans, were incurring substantial...
  4. S

    Unit 23 reports

    What "bewilders" me is why non-residents have this misguided "cult" belief that the Caribou is even remotely a "Trophy" Alaska Big Game Animal.....??? The solution to this "craziness" is for non-residents to "STOP" this silliness. I don't fault the businesses that see an endless supply of silly...
  5. S

    Quality of Rams on Guided Hunts

    Mostly "THIS". Based on my 39 years of guiding hunters in Alaska. "Yes" there can be other factors, but they are far-far-far less factors. It is largely "EGO". If the hunters pays a lot of money, and spends months "Jabbering" about his pending hunt, with anyone who will listen at work. He...
  6. S

    Dall Sheep Success…

    Congratulations........Nice Ram. Beautiful photos. Back more then 50 plus years ago we would do immersion hunts in that country for six weeks. Just two residents, passionate about exploring and hunting new country. We watched massive wolf packs that if today I mentioned the number of...
  7. S

    Permanente "Meat Pole" for Ranch/Farm/Homestead.....???

    Open to ideas and suggestions. Currently constructing one 17 feet off the ground and 18 feet long. Seventy yards from the cabin door, with good view from the windows, for problem mitigation.
  8. S

    Wolf ?s

    Don't do wolf fox or coyote puppies playing a yipping, and puppy barks. That will not scare anything, but could attract wolves or bears or mountain lions, wolverines Lynx, Bobcats, etc.
  9. S

    Shipping Day

    I am enjoying the excitement of those prepping for a hunt........also super ecstatic I don't have to do that.
  10. S

    15x56 binos or spotting scope for moose in alaska

    What a spotting scope brings to "ANY" the possible avoidance of unnecessary walking/hiking. It is that simple. Yes, it does offer "other" useful applications then save walking/hiking. But it is generally those special applications that in the end, save the unnecessary hiking.
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    Idaho first wolf

    Good healthy teeth for a "nine" year old. I had assumed it was younger.
  12. S

    Fatal grizzly attack in Montana today

    There comes a point when it is both reasonable and prudent for covert very-very local (unauthorized) culling, as necessary for local safety, till "official" policy changes.
  13. S

    Early Sept vs Late Sept - Western Arctic Herd 23/26A

    What I suspected........but was desiring to not have made an unnecessary, possibly flawed assumption.......Thanks.
  14. S

    Private land in wilderness area

    True.......and there is a lot of it in Alaska.
  15. S

    Early Sept vs Late Sept - Western Arctic Herd 23/26A

    So.........what happens if the caribou are gone in two years.........again just curious how this works. Also is the deposit held in a special "Escrow" type account, or just go into current income for the transporters 2021 business operation.
  16. S

    Early Sept vs Late Sept - Western Arctic Herd 23/26A

    Can you disclose "roughly" how much deposit hunters have to post when locking in a hunt window.......??? I am just curious.
  17. S

    Fatal grizzly attack in Montana today

    At some point something needs to be done. At some point if you live immersed with an over abundance of these massive animals, and no one else is stepping up to deal with-it, it shifts to a few individuals to mitigate the problem. Now before people start jumping on me about this.......I want to...
  18. S

    Black Bear Coopers Landing, Alaska Sept. 17-25

    Those cameras are an under appreciated goldmine. In the winter I can sit sipping coffee in my nice warm cabin and while pondering what I want to do that day, look at those cameras for two hundred mile radius and view the actual "current" weather in those locations.
  19. S

    Fatal grizzly attack in Montana today

    I doubt there is any hope of changing the thinking about keeping Grizzly Bears. "HOWEVER" what is needed, and what could be done that would "mitigate" somewhat the amount of fatal a large effort to educate people, especially as to how to react to bear encounters, there is...
  20. S

    Fatal grizzly attack in Montana today

    That explains why there was no mention of this mauling in the Bear forum, when I started a thread there last night, and this morning discovered this thread there, and I was bewildered and wondering if I had been blind last night.