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  1. C

    WTB SCAM ALERT james913

    The douche thing is being a scammer
  2. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    Thanks for sharing. Appreciate your perspective
  3. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    You get it. Most people don't realize that cattle and sheep are the main reason for a lack of lower elevation winter food. Livestock are the number one reason we need winter feeding grounds for deer and elk. The fact that they only graze a short period actually makes the management worse...
  4. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    Honestly the reason I bring this up on here is it has been on my heart since I first began spending time on public lands and I realized that the problems I see aren't necessarily obvious to others unfamiliar with proper grazing and ecosystem management. I feel it is my responsibility to stand up...
  5. C

    Wilderness and mental health

    This is dead on
  6. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    It would also increase competition for private leases which would negatively effect me. But neither is the point I made in the thread start. This is about our best use of public lands for the public. Whether it's good or bad for me as a rancher has no influence on the issues I see as a...
  7. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    I serve on national boards. You might need to educate yourself. Wildlife groups are king because they side with the environmental groups. Sage grouse issue is a prime example. Livestock groups have very little pull. Farmers, on the other hand, are a different story.
  8. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    The problem with ecosystem improvement is that it is an art and not a broad approach. There are not enough skilled land managers to pull this off successfully. And never will be. And a couple of poorly managed grazing years will set a parcel back decades. The country I saw in New Mexico this...
  9. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    Your reading comprehension has failed you
  10. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    The meat packing monopoly is a whole other issue... Your last paragraph is the summation of what I'm leading onto. I am a conservationist (hunter) as well as a rancher and have been appalled at what I keep seeing on public lands.
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    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    Taking cattle off of public lands will have little impact on cow-calf operations on private land. In fact, I would argue that it would create more price competition between packers which would actually help our industry.
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    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    Sheep actually compete with deer and elk for browse as well. Once sheep have grazed and area post mid summer, it is generally done for the year in terms of providing food for other wildlife (from my experience).
  13. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    No one here is really complaining. We are discussing issues. I, as a rancher, don't feel that it is the best use of public lands to use public lands as a grazing asset to one individual for grazing if it can serve as increased habitat for more animals that can be enjoyed my many taxpayers.
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    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    This is how we operate. Unfortunately, this is not how animals are managed on public lands most of the time
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    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    There is way too much welfare in agriculture. And there should be none.
  16. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    This is very true. Though there is still money to be made in this business if your land is paid for and/or you have cheap leases.
  17. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    This is my take as well.
  18. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    This is a discussion to get more information - not trying to change anything
  19. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    We are currently exporting beef
  20. C

    Let's talk grazing on public lands...

    Winter feed is stockpiled summer feed at lower elevations