Size medium First Lite North Branch bibs in real tree xtra. These have been worn whitetail hunting a fair amount but are in very good condition. The only defect that I can find is one of the zipper pulls is missing the para cord pull. There might be a small stain somewhere but I cannot locate...
Built a new gun this winter, spring bear season is coming soon, andI have 16 rounds total. No idea what this gun is going to like and I don’t reload so I am willing to consider anything I can get. Anyone want to unload some?
Replacing my sleeping pad with something with a higher R value... torn between the Exped Synmat and the Xtherm.
But, my big upgrade for the year, and the one I am most excited about is my stomping grounds. Leaving CO for Wyoming at the end of this week. It’s a huge upgrade in every way.
I am trying to decide between the Xtherm and Exped synmat UL winter. I like the extra thickness of the Exped (also a side sleeper) but the R value of the Xtherm.
I listened to a podcast about this with one of the small cottage meal makers that had their dehydrated meals tested. As I understand it, after a year they weren’t bad like spoiled or foul taste but had lost a lot of their nutritional value. I only know what was said but if a professional says...
Anyone knowledgeable in Wyoming non resident draw odds and wilderness areas willing to help via PM? To be clear, I’m not looking for an area or unit to hunt. If I can draw the Tag and it is legal to access I already know what I want to apply for and where I will hunt, but I would like...
As has been mentioned numerous times already, quality of life is way more important than money. If it somewhere you and the family want to be and you can afford to do and experience the things you want, total income is much less important.
For me it was learning to quit hunting places because they have been productive in the past. Need to hunt where the animals are at the time you are hunting them and not where they may have been in previous seasons.
I’m really liking my Rab Valience. 6 oz’s of 800 FP down in a size large. Pretty damn warm and the shell seems to be quite a bit more durable than most other putty’s.
Hard to say for sure on the mount without knowing how it was preserved originally. If it was tanned you can brush it out, get it wet and shampoo, blow it as dry as you can get it, and put it in front of a fan to finish drying. It may be ok, minus the whiskers and I assume eye lashes. If it was...
Anybody hunt, mainly backcountry, out of a Wrangler? I am considering trading in my truck for one but seriously concerned with space. I can obviously fit my pack, weapon, and maybe a cooler inside but that appears to be about it. Not against adding a hitch carrier for some additional capacity...