Credit cards are the safest, most secure form of payments there are. Much safer than debit cards.
And to the money on interest - that 2-3% is already calculated in to every good and service you use presently. CCs are just a way of getting some of that money back. So if you aren't using CC...
It does work in most areas, but not here in Texas. Texas is king of private land leasing markets. And nilgai are highly sought after. They aren't really in game fences - they just habitate the southernmost region of the state. Trust me - we ranch/know ranchers/etc. I can drive to Colorado or...
Hogs and Nilgai in Texas are both big business. I would love to take a Nilgai - that's the best wild game there is. But I can't find anywhere with reasonable access lol
Your response is based on a lot of assumptions. I have access to better hunting than most on this forum. I spend my fall putting friends on game, many who can't afford access so I cover for them. I'm concerned about the future. This is becoming a money race.
I, personally, don't have access issues. I personally lease 20,000 acres myself just to take friends who can't afford it or don't have the opportunity. That's where I'm seeing the issues. I know so many families that don't have the opportunity and quite never will unless someone looks out for...
I'm really struggling with where hunting is going. Western Hunting, in particular, is quickly becoming a rich man's game. Do you know that in the state of Texas - you can almost not afford to hunt if you are a low income household. Between the lack of public land, cost of private land...
I love it when a state agency can show favoritism to its on state residents over the other public landowners that equally own land there but live out of state. It is equally as satisfying when residents feel they are entitled to more rights on equally shared ownership in federal lands. I don't...
This right here. Reading through some of this thread helps me better understand the high divorce rate in society. I know quite a few splits that have resulted due to similar circumstances.
Also, gear is an asset on the balance sheet and if it has good quality, it will be liquidable. My wife...
We have a camp on the devils river in south Texas that has no Verizon service whatsoever. I would like to be able to stay in contact with family and work from there more often. AT&T gets service but I'm not going to switch providers. My truck has seems to have good Onstar reception and Wi-Fi...
Credit cards are by far the safest and most secure form of payment. People that run down using credit cards don't fully understand the positives and/or base their decisions on others lack of financial discipline. Most Retailers already figure in the cost of cc processing in their markup so you...
Sigs optics customer service is top notch. I had a recent experience and was blown away by their solution, response time, and motivation to get me geared back up for my next hunt on time.
Does this mean all the threads on corner-crossing are gonna get banned? Because they talk negatively about greedy ranchers non-stop. The guy from NC has been called some really bad things.
What about poaching? Are we not allowed to talk about that now? That's running down people that are often...
You maybe should study up on this seriousness of cheating when there is money inovolved. They don't have to win any money. It's felony fraud. These boys are absolutely going to jail,