We aren't even guaranteed tomorrow yet you have stated that you have trips lined up without your wife and kids. I spent my hunt last year helping a good friend get his first mule deer (170") with both of us knowing he wouldn't make it to this fall - he passed away in June in his early 50s. He...
All of them are guys that didn't get into hunting out of state until after kids. It's a huge huge deal with them now when they even bring it up with their wives because a precedence was never set.
So we just had our 3rd child last week - all under 4. I'm headed hunting for a week in 2 weeks. Our second child was born last June and I was in Alaska hunting in September. If you don't hunt now, it's my opinion that this will become an annual struggle within your household. Now with that...
Convenience stores. Do whatever you can not to go inside unless to use the bathroom. Pack your lunch and any needed snacks, especially water. This alone in my occupation can save $40-$50/week easily and much more on long trips.
Two years ago my hunting buddy and I argued 4-5 min over whether the awful bugles we were hearing was actually an elk, as he insisted it was Doug Flutie. It was his turn to shoot and he wanted to keep rolling, but i told him I was going after that bull if he wasn't. It turned out to be his...
Went off on my own last year. Wouldn't look bad for one second. Third kid on the way abd wife constantly worries about bills but God opened a door and he always provides if you are in his will.