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  1. C

    Trying to hunt with an infant

    We aren't even guaranteed tomorrow yet you have stated that you have trips lined up without your wife and kids. I spent my hunt last year helping a good friend get his first mule deer (170") with both of us knowing he wouldn't make it to this fall - he passed away in June in his early 50s. He...
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    Trying to hunt with an infant

    I didn't realize we were guaranteed years after this year...
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    Trying to hunt with an infant

    All of them are guys that didn't get into hunting out of state until after kids. It's a huge huge deal with them now when they even bring it up with their wives because a precedence was never set.
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    what headlaml

    I agree with this. There is a 2 pack of LED energizers on Amazon right now for $17. Some things you don't get what you pay for.
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    Trying to hunt with an infant

    This is real truth
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    Trying to hunt with an infant

    I seem to lose all my hunting buddies when there kids start school due to sports etc. but I guess it depends on what your kids do.
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    Trying to hunt with an infant

    So we just had our 3rd child last week - all under 4. I'm headed hunting for a week in 2 weeks. Our second child was born last June and I was in Alaska hunting in September. If you don't hunt now, it's my opinion that this will become an annual struggle within your household. Now with that...
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    Salsa & Hot Sauce!

    Frank's red hot. It is a must in hunting camp
  9. C

    Ways to pinch pennies

    Convenience stores. Do whatever you can not to go inside unless to use the bathroom. Pack your lunch and any needed snacks, especially water. This alone in my occupation can save $40-$50/week easily and much more on long trips.
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    Bad Elk Callers in the Woods

    Two years ago my hunting buddy and I argued 4-5 min over whether the awful bugles we were hearing was actually an elk, as he insisted it was Doug Flutie. It was his turn to shoot and he wanted to keep rolling, but i told him I was going after that bull if he wasn't. It turned out to be his...
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    Bugle report 2021

    I got so many friends there I just want to start naming names
  12. C

    Elk hunting in swimming trunks. Need help!

    Those coyotes are not affecting your elk
  13. C

    Are you ready? got all the knowledge you need when all hell breaks loose.

    My personal relationship with Christ is pretty good insurance / hopefully me kids have that as well before it all crashes in.
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    Show Some Good Will

    We have killed multiple bulls after giving rafters a ride back to their vehicles the past two years.
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    Show Some Good Will

    Good post
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    Taking a leap of faith

    Went off on my own last year. Wouldn't look bad for one second. Third kid on the way abd wife constantly worries about bills but God opened a door and he always provides if you are in his will.
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    Marine killed was from Bondurant, Wy

    Real men are gonna have to rise up and lead this country again..
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    WIN FREE GEAR Giveaway

    Elk for me
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    “Huntress” charged with several wildlife crimes

    Yes I have seen his influence in Texas and Oklahoma in both real estate and hunting. Intelligent but bad for ecosystems and natural animal management.
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    “Huntress” charged with several wildlife crimes

    I have never understood the respect for that guy - a joke