Depends...sometimes I’m on to the work of field dressing and other times very reflective. My reaction isn’t always the same though I consider myself a person of faith, I would say I’m more grateful than prayerful when reflecting on successful hunt.
Don’t forget your currency manipulation. But with NAFTA gone, that may not be enough for CND to keep US manufacturing. My point is all countries do what they can to give themselves an advantage. Look, we don’t make the rules, we just play the game.
Oh boy, there are many predicting the boarder will stay closed through 2021, “Given public opinion, economist Moshe Lander said it would be "political suicide" for Canadian politicians to contemplate reopening the border right now.
"As long as Canadians don't feel safe, then why force open...
I’ve hunted Montana 10 years straight. My outfitter lives in town, has never lied to me that I know of and I’ve taken 1 bull over 300” which is what he advertises. To be fair, I hunted MT in the early 2000s with a different guy and his operation was sketch. That’s why I switched.
Remember tags are turned in right up to opening day so as these tags come available, folks on the list will be called. I’ll bet 1000 elk and big game combination tags combined will be turned back. That’s about 7% of tags issued. But with virus spikes could be higher.
Over the next three years I have three guided back country hunts planned and need to solve my communications challenge. Many folks are doing the Garmin In-reach or Mini. But the Iridium GO is interesting as it looks like a global satellite hot spot I just run my I Phone from for calling, email...
A year ago or so I posted a question if it was okay to use the line of credit for a sheep hunt. I was trolling but the answers were very serious and a few folks were like “go for it!” Pretty funny.
I would like to hunt goat but looking at the Yukon as I'd like to marry up with Caribou or Grizzly. It doesn't look like there are many outfits that advertise goat hunting. Any referrals?